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The End Has Come

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It is with heavy heart that I must give up ferreting.

I just simply don't have time. I'm working 6 days a week and have a new baby due in October so the one day I get off will either be spent trying to make a bit more money to keep the wolves from the door or just relaxing.

So all my kit is up for sale

Locators + collars


Spare batteries for collars

And other sundries

I also still have some stock for sale some really nice marked poleys a silver and albinos.

There may be a hutch up for grabs

Would like to sell the lot as a whole but may split for right price.

For the whole lot would be looking for about £300-£350

I am advertising on here first to see what sort of reaction I get then if I get no interest will sell locally or on eBay

Thanks for looking and I hope you all have good hunting in the future


Edited by Katsdad
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That's a shame, always sad to see someone stopping doing what they enjoy due to circumstances beyond their control. Hopefully you have some ferreting mates that you can get out with when you get a bit of spare time. Best of luck with finding a new home for all the gear and ferrets.

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i can completely sympathise with you, when my little one arrived i started a new business at pretty much the same time and between the two, went about 3 years without shooting and only opened the cabinets every few months to give everything a quick wipe over to keep the rust at bay. it was also the reason i only got ferrets before the start of last season as i just didn't have time to put into them.


it gets better and your time will come back after a while so don't be hasty! maybe try and rehome your ferrets and hutch to a local ferreter and keep your nets and locators etc. (that way you can always tag along with someone if you get time) and when you get the time back you can look to get a new hutch and bring in some kits in a couple of years,

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It is with heavy heart that I must give up ferreting.

I just simply don't have time. I'm working 6 days a week and have a new baby due in October so the one day I get off will either be spent trying to make a bit more money to keep the wolves from the door or just relaxing.

So all my kit is up for sale

Locators + collars


Spare batteries for collars

And other sundries

I also still have some stock for sale some really nice marked poleys a silver and albinos.

There may be a hutch up for grabs

Would like to sell the lot as a whole but may split for right price.

For the whole lot would be looking for about £300-£350

I am advertising on here first to see what sort of reaction I get then if I get no interest will sell locally or on eBay

Thanks for looking and I hope you all have good hunting in the future


make the day off ferreting selling the rabbits for xtra cash,rabbits getting good money here,

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Least hang on to your locators. You'll more than likely get back into it at some point. I have stopped hunting a couple of times in the past due other things going. Always got got back into it again and its getting more expensive to buy the gear all over again. Congrats with the new baby.

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Agree with rabbit demon mate. you might have a little buddy to teach in a few years. Fortunes change and you might find a better job. Any way good luck and congrats on the little one.


Cheers Arry

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Got a year before I retire and grafted most of my life hod carrying, scaffolding, fishing boats , building etc but 7 -12 hour shifts, respect never done that. You deserve every thing.


Good luck to you as well mate.


Cheers Arry

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It is with heavy heart that I must give up ferreting.

I just simply don't have time. I'm working 6 days a week and have a new baby due in October so the one day I get off will either be spent trying to make a bit more money to keep the wolves from the door or just relaxing.

So all my kit is up for sale

Locators + collars


Spare batteries for collars

And other sundries

I also still have some stock for sale some really nice marked poleys a silver and albinos.

There may be a hutch up for grabs

Would like to sell the lot as a whole but may split for right price.

For the whole lot would be looking for about £300-£350

I am advertising on here first to see what sort of reaction I get then if I get no interest will sell locally or on eBay

Thanks for looking and I hope you all have good hunting in the future


Know how you feel pal I had to give up ferreting and ferrets up early this year due to work and new baby commitments, still kept the lurcher though for lamping and mouching about.


A bloke came to buy my locator with his son who was just starting out seemed a nice lad so I chucked nets, ferret box, bags the lot in for him to enjoy and get started

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Would love to find a better paid job but at present I can't seem to get my foot in the door anywhere so I'm taking these measures.

Not been hard on you but with work and baby,,,,,,,,,,,, you will need some time for yourself,,,,,,,,,,,,,few hours a week you surly deserve that..,,,,,,,,,,,,hunting is the best thing in the world to recharge the batteries..............

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I was in a similar situation. When my son arrived I found I had less time for the ferrets (though ironically I had more for the kelpies as I took him out for marathon walks in the off road buggy to get him to sleep). In addition to that, the number of rabbits on my permission started dwindling and then it started getting covered with a new housing estate. :censored:


When the last two ferrets died, a little over two years ago, I kept the nets and locator. My son is now nearly seven and uses the nests to make Heath Robinson style rat and pigeon traps in the garden and is always asking if we can get some more ferrets so that I can take him ferreting. :toast:

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