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Can Anyone Help

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Cleaning my ferrets out this morning i noticed one of my hobs has taken ill. His symptoms are, he has diarrhea is very lethargic and seems to have lost weight since yesterday. He was ok yesterday. He is going to the vets later on to see if they can help. Iv saw ferrets take ill like this in the past and the outcome usually isnt good. Has anyone on here ever successfully treated a ferret in this condition or know what medicine would be most likely to work for him. As it would be best to know before i get to the vets incase they dont know what to do. As none of the vets i phoned have any experience with ferrets. At the moment hes in the house nice and warm and getting plenty of water. Id aprreciate all and any advice thanks.

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I too have had this, i had 2 ferrets with it. fine one minute, next minute they were skin and bone and diarrhea. One of the two survived and hes still in the house getting a lot of attention. the other sadly passed away rather quickly. I dont know what it is but im guessing its some form of bacterial infection. Maybe broad spectrum antibiotics would help.

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Hes in the vets now. iv to pick him up in 2 hours. Hes going getting fluids and antibiotics. She was going to keep him in overnight. I said no i can keep a better eye on him i the house. Just have to wait and see now how it goes, I think the same as you bhawk its some gastric bacterial infection.

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My hob took a turn for the worse earlier this year. Turned out he had a pneumonia. He went off his food and lost a lot of weight in a mater of days, that was the worst period. He vomited up the oral antibiotics so I had to leave him with them for injections for a few days. Hes now 100% but will be prone to things like this again. They reckon he will have an overall problem with his immune system.

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