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Dogs On The Dole Programme Last Night

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Watching that programme dogs on the dole dogs trust are on it and all they want to do is neuter all the dog that go along to there open days there was a cross breed on the programme I though was interesting to say the least it's a

English bull terrier x Doberman x Belgium Shepard very very protective dog. Would any of you guys consider the above cross over a greyhound. Cheers.

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To be fair, alot of the people on that show bred dogs for the wrong reasons so I can see why they focus their campaign on neuturing. There was a chap with a British Bull dog on the one I saw and the vet recommended he didn't breed off it due to it's eyes being extremely saggy and it having a skin condition but he was determined to so he could make money. I personally would only breed a dog if I wanted a pup and I know 99% of the people on here are the same, shame others don't see it like that :thumbs:

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To be fair, alot of the people on that show bred dogs for the wrong reasons so I can see why they focus their campaign on neuturing. There was a chap with a British Bull dog on the one I saw and the vet recommended he didn't breed off it due to it's eyes being extremely saggy and it having a skin condition but he was determined to so he could make money. I personally would only breed a dog if I wanted a pup and I know 99% of the people on here are the same, shame others don't see it like that


The way I see it people are turning to all sorts of ways to supplement the minimum wage that a lot of them are on or the people that are on benefits that get sanctioned just for breathing. there may not be a lot of you younger guys on here that know what thatcher did to this country along with wrecking all the heavy industry she aloud people to buy there council house good idea on the face of it if there were enough new council houses built nope what do we see slum landlords and our first ever shanty town jaywick 60 mile from London. I'm not saying breeding dog for profit is right but people will do what they got to do. A lot of years ago if you were on benefits and you had a pedigree dog they made you sell it as it was classed as income there yae go bhoy's rant over.

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Prob Is if the dog becomes I'll or HSS difficulties in the birth etc etc these lazy f...ks have to seek help cause their penniless.they seem to think they entitled to all this Free help if you get s dog you should be in s position to cover the costs if not don't buy one simples.plenty of work about now if they get off their arse s try.

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To be fair, alot of the people on that show bred dogs for the wrong reasons so I can see why they focus their campaign on neuturing. There was a chap with a British Bull dog on the one I saw and the vet recommended he didn't breed off it due to it's eyes being extremely saggy and it having a skin condition but he was determined to so he could make money. I personally would only breed a dog if I wanted a pup and I know 99% of the people on here are the same, shame others don't see it like that


The way I see it people are turning to all sorts of ways to supplement the minimum wage that a lot of them are on or the people that are on benefits that get sanctioned just for breathing. there may not be a lot of you younger guys on here that know what thatcher did to this country along with wrecking all the heavy industry she aloud people to buy there council house good idea on the face of it if there were enough new council houses built nope what do we see slum landlords and our first ever shanty town jaywick 60 mile from London. I'm not saying breeding dog for profit is right but people will do what they got to do. A lot of years ago if you were on benefits and you had a pedigree dog they made you sell it as it was classed as income there yae go bhoy's rant over.


Owning a dog costs money though, food and vet bills etc so they would be better off without the dog in the first place. If the bitch was to struggle during giving birth they wouldn't have the funds to pay a vet to sort it out, how's that fair on the dog?

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To be fair, alot of the people on that show bred dogs for the wrong reasons so I can see why they focus their campaign on neuturing. There was a chap with a British Bull dog on the one I saw and the vet recommended he didn't breed off it due to it's eyes being extremely saggy and it having a skin condition but he was determined to so he could make money. I personally would only breed a dog if I wanted a pup and I know 99% of the people on here are the same, shame others don't see it like that


The way I see it people are turning to all sorts of ways to supplement the minimum wage that a lot of them are on or the people that are on benefits that get sanctioned just for breathing. there may not be a lot of you younger guys on here that know what thatcher did to this country along with wrecking all the heavy industry she aloud people to buy there council house good idea on the face of it if there were enough new council houses built nope what do we see slum landlords and our first ever shanty town jaywick 60 mile from London. I'm not saying breeding dog for profit is right but people will do what they got to do. A lot of years ago if you were on benefits and you had a pedigree dog they made you sell it as it was classed as income there yae go bhoy's rant over.

Owning a dog costs money though, food and vet bills etc so they would be better off without the dog in the first place. If the bitch was to struggle during giving birth they wouldn't have the funds to pay a vet to sort it out, how's that fair on the dog?


Exactly owning a dog is not cheap a few years ago my wife and i went to the rsp a and tried to rehome a dog, the lady behind the desk asked what we do my wife was at uni at the time. The reply was so are you going to get a job then to which my wife replied well yes of course she then said well who will look after the dog then. I was speechless i asked her if she knew how much a dog cost to run and we left and bought a pup in the end

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