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My New Ferrets

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Stick your thumb in there pal and find out :victory: they'll love you for ever.

If you meen to see if they bite i did and there both fine i had them eating a bit of mince out of my hand last night and there was no nipping but i did notice every time i took the food away they would have a little scrap. Is this usual or are they just establishing a pecking order?

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Stick your thumb in there pal and find out :victory: they'll love you for ever.

If you meen to see if they bite i did and there both fine i had them eating a bit of mince out of my hand last night and there was no nipping but i did notice every time i took the food away they would have a little scrap. Is this usual or are they just establishing a pecking order?



if you tried to take my dinner away before i'd finished with it i'd stab you with a fork! :D:laugh:


my hobs been on a bit of a diet since he has been away from the jills because he is a greedy sod and was carrying far too much weight (needed to keep feeding though or the jills were getting nothing) he has now taken to jumping into the dry food bucket when i open his hutch door, grabs a gobfull then goes back into the hutch!

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I hope this did not get the wrong impression. When I said stick your thumb in I really did mean only that. If you dunk your thumb in milk or whatever the young are on and let them suck your thumb you will definitely bond. It matters a lot later on when out rabbiting.

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I hope this did not get the wrong impression. When I said stick your thumb in I really did mean only that. If you dunk your thumb in milk or whatever the young are on and let them suck your thumb you will definitely bond. It matters a lot later on when out rabbiting.

I'll give that a try i did notice when i was feeding them out of my hand one of them is really laid back and will gently lick/eat from my hand where as the other one is a bit more iratic and grabs mouthfulls at a time and wolfs it down.

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