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Sea Trout In The Salt

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right gents...ive found a place its a estuary with a fair old tide race...3 rivers into it one is a VERY famous sea trout river...i was their tonight and it was simply alive with them from herring size to BIG fish 5-10lb fish jumping all over the place their must have been 100=+ fish jump in the hour i was their..i got the spinning rod out and caught a 11inch fish... but feel i should have had more!


now would fly fishing be better? stick to the spinning or maybe even trotting a sandeel under a float?

suggestions please

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That sounds just like the Boyne estuary near me. Fish up to double figures jumping everywhere but one or two would be a good days fishing.

The fly is good no doubt but you'll need a line tray or you'll have 40 feet of fly line being pulled away from you.

Spinning is what most lads do to get one or two.

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Used to fish the 'nugget' on the Spey estuary, wee bit of brass bar, kinda coffin shaped....hammered into shape, drilled at both ends, treble at one end and a swivel at the other.


Whack it to the horizon and retrieve like a madman....as fast as possible, great sport....

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Slow spin a Sandeel or white bait. It's deadly for them on the estuaries.cast it out and let it come round with the tide then slowly retrieve. Around low tide usually fishes best imo

Edited by Liamboy
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This is how I started fishing when I was a kid bubble float and sand eels for sea trout there is a spot 2 mins from my house I might give it a try tonight at low tide with the fly as I ve been on the river all day with some Welsh lads and the water is too peaty ..I will look out some pics I have off sea trout of the tide up to 10lb

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