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Carl From Kent.. Amateur Of The Year!!

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I had a litter of pups advertised.. Carl from Kent txt me asking if I knew or had a older terrier for sale.. Like a buffoon I passed him the number of a lad with a very nice,well bred 6 month old black n tan dog pup..Carl txt the lad asking for photos of the dog which were promptly sent to him... The complete nutter then asked if he would swap the pup for a iPhone 6!!..so if any of you dog lads happen to know Carl from Kent.. Give him a slap please.

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Wouldn't have been that bad but it was on Tesco pay as you squark...before the iPhone carry on I told him of a black 15 month old dog owned by the son in law (to be if he keeps his nose clean) who is a grouse keeper.dog is untried just seen small stuff. £100... He asked for a trial!! Penny should have dropped then.

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When they penny did drop after the iPhone. He got told to go forth with.. He then battered me with texts saying he got his 1st patterdael in 1965!! Given to him by BN.. And he's got a farm in Kent where he uses his bullx on things he should keep his mouth shut about... Carl you are a plumb!

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