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New Zealand Lamb

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I think a lot of you are getting too het up over this halal crap, do you really think every slaughter house has a holy man saying a prayer before cutting the animals throat, I doubt it very much, but ALL animals In uk slaughterhouses are killed by being bled out, if their stunned correctly is down to the guys operating the gear, and I've seen a few over the years who didn't bother

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ffs get a grip. dead is dead , do you stun a rabbit before stretching its neck?idoubt it.those who have so many fkn issues with the way your meat is killed stop eating meat . become a vegi

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ffs get a grip. dead is dead , do you stun a rabbit before stretching its neck?idoubt it.those who have so many fkn issues with the way your meat is killed stop eating meat . become a vegi

Sometimes I think it's just criticised cos the Muslims do it


I eat meat, I therefore know an animal has got to die. I wouldn't want any extra pain or suffering or inhuman treatment but a knife across the throat is reasonable to me. It's been done for many a year by us and those who came before us.


Don't drag it out, don't try to make suffering etc but one slash and hope its over as quick as possible.


I've had to do it to a dear I shot and was still breathing. 243 through both lungs, dropped on the spot, couldn't move but still alive. Knife straight into throat and it was over very fast.


I'd rather it was dead on impact, without a thought or feeling, but it wasn't. I still ate it. It was bloody lovely n all lol

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some of you lot aint got a clue , worked in a slaughter house for many years and this happened for 7 days until we said it either stops or we close down, it was fecking disgusting so you big men out ther who thinks its ok then get your self to a slaughter house and see it for what that animal goes through

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ffs get a grip. dead is dead , do you stun a rabbit before stretching its neck?idoubt it.those who have so many fkn issues with the way your meat is killed stop eating meat . become a vegi

Many moons ago a couple of the Keighley muslims drove me and a mucker up the Dales for a little rabbiting foray,all they wanted was the odd rabbit to say a prayer over before they slit bugsy,s throat,as me and the mucker would not have ventured as far at the time without their driven assistance we turned a blind eye to their religous beliefs.When we took hold of a rabbit it was a quick and instant neck stretch and dead,their killing was a lot longer drawn out process,a lot longer.Dead is dead i suppose,yet the muslim and jewish religions prolong it for no obvious reason.

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some of you lot aint got a clue , worked in a slaughter house for many years and this happened for 7 days until we said it either stops or we close down, it was fecking disgusting so you big men out ther who thinks its ok then get your self to a slaughter house and see it for what that animal goes through

I once worked in a slaughter house and knew the difference between an animal stunned and then bled out from one that was put in a crush crate,turned upside down then bled out,for the sake of the muslims and the jews.The animals that were stunned did not kick and scream about the same as the others.To save on stun bullets ive witnessed a long row of lambs,skewered through their hocks,thrashing about whilst they awaited their throats slit,for a more christian market,the thing is a christian would not accept such practice,a muslim or jew would.

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Personally I would be more concerned about the practice of mulesing in NZ sheep. No requirement for pain relief if carried out before 6 months according to the 2013 regs.

Airy fairy hippy ideals or not, sheep feel pain and you cannot tell me that cutting away a plate sized area of skin around the dock with no anaethesia is not incredibly painful. Throat slitting would be less traumatic IMO.


FFS keep sheep clean and parasite free if you want to avoid the fly.


Sorry for going off topic, but that's my reasons for not buying NZ lamb.

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