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out a walk (hare)

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Just got in. Found one dead rabbit. Thought i saw a dead fox and another 2 rabbits but when i went near they ran away :doh:

Not one randy couple all night though :rolleyes:



Kids today hmmph!,not like in my day ,we didnt have cars to get in the back of,up against the nearest wall it was,we didnt care about the weather,central heating ,all we had was a cup of bovril ! If I come across a couple of youngsters at it in a car when Im out lamping I get my dog to jump on their bonnet ,that soon stops em! Dont know there born!

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Out with the dogs a few years back, through the day. Noticed a car parked down near the river next to the path i walked. Cars NEVER park there. The windows were steamed up and for some strange reason i though 'there must be dogs locked in it' :hmm:

So i cupped my hands around my eyes and peered in :doh::icon_redface::icon_eek: Have you ever tried to nonchalauntly walk away after doing that 8)


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Just got in. Found one dead rabbit. Thought i saw a dead fox and another 2 rabbits but when i went near they ran away :doh:

Not one randy couple all night though :rolleyes:



Kids today hmmph!,not like in my day ,we didnt have cars to get in the back of,up against the nearest wall it was,we didnt care about the weather,central heating ,all we had was a cup of bovril ! If I come across a couple of youngsters at it in a car when Im out lamping I get my dog to jump on their bonnet ,that soon stops em! Dont know there born!



why dont you just knok the window and be polite might let you join in... :yes::thumbs:

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