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Run Of Bad Luck...

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Wishing your pup all the very best. It's a strange thing but so often I've noticed that people who don't give a sh^t about their dogs never seem to have many problems, and those who do their very best

From several decades of lurcherwork, the conclusion I've come to is; the shit ones are shit and the good ones die........   It sure is a swine, but that's working dogs for you....you've just got to

Lost my first lurcher to a broken neck at 11 months old back in 2010.   Lost my second lurcher to a broken back last summer.   Had a spaniel nicked, a terrier ran over and a lurcher I couldn't g

All this talk about hunting has got me itching for the season. Lol.


Thanks Keith. All the best with that pup of yours off davey. It's a little cracker. No doubt it's gonna put lots of smiles on your face.

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Hope the pup comes good for u pal , if I could get all the money back from the vet I've spent over the years I could retire haha that's the dog game though I've a young bitch to start this season no doubt she will get a few knocks learning her trade

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Hope the pup comes good for u pal , if I could get all the money back from the vet I've spent over the years I could retire haha that's the dog game though I've a young bitch to start this season no doubt she will get a few knocks learning her trade

Cheers blue staffy. I know what you mean.


All the best with your young bitch for the coming season.

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If she's doing well now without any neurological deficit then she should do well :thumbs: in the long term.

Yeh she's doing sound sandymere. Cheers.


Vets wanted to put her asleep Sunday to drain a tiny bit of remaining fluid off. I've said no. The antibiotics and anti-inflams had hardly had chance to kick in. Hey presto that bit of fluid has nearly gone today.


They just see pound signs.

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Pup has been kept on the lead since her accident, just to try and ensure she doesn't bang her head again any time soon.


I could see she was getting pent up and needed a run, she is a very high energy youngster. So I let her have a run around yesterday, on her own, put the brindle bitch on the lead. She was straight into some cover, found a rabbit, ran it into the open, rabbit went over a ditch and she flew down it. Screaming and crying. I thought FFS what now. Thought she had broken her leg at first.


Luckily nothing serious and she walked it off.


She's a head case. I will be surprised if she's here at 12 months old. But there you go. She might surprise me.


Few pics of her today...









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