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Ireland Is Revolting,.......but The People Are Sweet Lol

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you should move north we get everything for free :D

So do the Welsh and the Scots. In fact, the English are the only ones in the UK to pay for water or prescriptions.

NI, Wales and Scotland get them free at English expense !

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you should move north we get everything for free :D

So do the Welsh and the Scots. In fact, the English are the only ones in the UK to pay for water or prescriptions.

NI, Wales and Scotland get them free at English expense !


Aye but that will change very very soon IMO.............

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I have been watching this topic in Ireland with interest, I think the charge is a couple of hundred euro and obviously in England I was paying about 800 sterling, but actually I make people here right.......and what's more they are vocal about it and not taking any shit.

It's not a load of dred locked middle class university type causing agro for the sake, it's ordinary folk making themselves heard and to be honest we could do with a lot more of that in England.


I admire greatly how they are not taking this laying down......good on them.

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Your right wilf, the water is filthy recycled toilet an bath water, disgusting, an they want people to pay for that with all the chemicals in it, plus you could filter rainwater yourself pretty easily, naturally, added to that the republics water is flurodated,

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and for the moment it will be less than 200 euros for a water charge, but you wait and see.Just like every other sneaky backhanded lying politician,once the bills start getting paid it will rise and rise.In ten years time it could be just another extortionist tax..Its a shame really cause I spent 4 summers In county Mayo with the kids on holidays.It puts me off going back as that slime ball kenny comes from there,I just hope folk stand fast and ''NO WAY WE WONT PAY'' wins the day in the end.

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you should move north we get everything for free :D

So do the Welsh and the Scots. In fact, the English are the only ones in the UK to pay for water or prescriptions.

the Scottish do pay for water it's in the council tax we just don't have water meters is all
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just a clip of the feelings of the irish citizens on forced charges for a natural resource

Ireland as always been revolting,bad weather,beer that people only drink on Paddy,s day,religous conflict-can you imagine if them thick twats had the religous conflict we have over here,they,d implode.Plus miserable and ungrateful women,especially the one i married and sent back,get rid of that dog or me,Really?.

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morton ye gobshite lol...at least we still got hunting and freedom to roam about and talk to landowners like they were our mates,you stay in yer muslim soaked island and read about our great days hunting we have here without grief, :laugh: I reckon that woman got off lucky,shes at home now thanking her lucky stars she escaped from your clutches lol.the only reason you got your ''religious conflict'' is cause you robbed and plundered their countries,and now its pay back , :snack:

Edited by jigsaw
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What's this 'Wales gets free water' shit? No we fecking don't, we get charged water rates the same as everybody else..


..and BB says: "They get it free at Englands expense.." I'd call having several small rural Welsh comunities forever wiped off the map to create a water supply for the cities of Birmingham and Liverpool payment enough..


We never see a penny for the water thats piped over the border either..



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