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Dmt And Other Psychedlics....

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in the early 80,s we had superman acid powerful stuff anyone remember them ? dots and purple ohms were good also , great for exploration of ones mind lol

double ohms .window frames ...best I ever had was some homemade thing just a chunk of blotting paper of a random new ager...Some of the early disco beens were very trippy... snowballs :yes:


had a few windows the clear acid quite mellow but the superman was in a small tablet form they took you there

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Dots are made from mescaline which comes from peyote and other similar plants ;)


Naw microdots are just another method of delivery for LSD, a dose of mescaline wouldn't fit on something so small.


At one point it seemed every slightly trippy pill (MDA as opposed to MDMA) and every stronger than average blotter was "synthetic mescaline" :laugh:

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Dots are made from mescaline which comes from peyote and other similar plants ;)


Naw microdots are just another method of delivery for LSD, a dose of mescaline wouldn't fit on something so small.


At one point it seemed every slightly trippy pill (MDA as opposed to MDMA) and every stronger than average blotter was "synthetic mescaline" :laugh:


whatever the component of a dot it was testing :yes: seemed above average

Edited by green lurchers
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Mushrooms are the cleanest on the body and brain in my experience, and proper amsterdam musshys are just as strong as most trips!!

proper amsterdam mushys my arse , i knew people from the dam that came to wales every mushy season to pick,
all il say to that is if there any stronger than some of the strong types than could be bought in shops i dont think id even want them . 1 or 2 average or so sized mushrooms and ya would be mad on it for the night !! Edited by chris87
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Microdots £1 each lol

What nobodies mentioned is that yer bog standard, straight the box Magic Mushroom is FREE!!!!!

Ilegal, but still free :D


Cheers, D.


Eat as you pick to avoid the law :D

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