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I think my range finder could be on the blink. But in all honesty, its finds range accurately out in the field as the mil dots seem true when taking the quarry. If the rabbit is at 53 yards, as told by the unit, I give it 53 yards on my calibration and sure enough the pellet hits home. But below seems to puzzle me a bit.



How far do you think that that far building is...? The one with the side on view... [i understand that finding range is hard enough with your own eyes, let alone a picture, but its defiantly not 45 f'kin yards!] I do think to myself that along the floor level it might be, and with so much in the way to hinder the range finding to my eyes, but seriously, 45 yards!





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Since treecreeper beat me to one of my fav` jokes (git) i`ll be serious.

I`m a roofer (as you know) so i got my best magnifying glass out and counted the roof tiles on the long building opposite, i counted 67.5 tiles (took me three hours to get that count).


OK, so 67.5 tiles divided by 3


= 22.5 yds (3 tiles to the yard)


x 2


= 45 yds


I would suggest your range finder is correct Rez and Treecreeper`s is up the duff :yes:

Edited by mark williams
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Google Earth is a pretty good tool for measuring distances of land and buildings etc. It's quite accurate, and I use it for when I go for walks so see how far, and it also handy for measuring the fields on your permission(s), you can even map the perimiters using the path tool. You can zoom right in and plot from a particular spot where you were standing. Also used to use it for fishing to measure casting distances. :thumbs:

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