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Lurcher Crosses

Guest Kel1

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That'll be North Yorkshire :thumbs:


I've just got off the phone to the other bloke in Victoria and he's using a pet transport company.

There's loads of them about.

The one that's going to Victoria is going to a dairy farmer who wants the pup as a ferreting dog

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Hey stabs, what r the parents of those pups like? hav u got any pics of them? what r the beardie's like? i dont no much about them? would the pups be quick enough to catch hares? i like the look of the second one up from the bottom is he a decent pup like friendly n everything? which pup do u like to most of the ones left? :thumbs:


Here are a few pics of the dam


















The sire was a track dog local to me. He's won a few races around here and down on the Gold Coast. He was 29" and 32kg and a really nice, laid back dog.


If I wasn't taking a bitch, I'd take the last dog pup in the pictures above. He's always wanting to play and he's quite a character. The white one at the top with the brindle markings is by far and away the boldest. All the pups are friendly and are growing like weeds.


I certainly hope they take hare as that's what I'll be running with them. This was on the lamp but I hope they have the minerals for daytime :thumbs:



hi lovely looking pups and parents


p.s did you post these on boardogs cracking dogs

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