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Diet Improve Stamima?

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You need the the right fuel to be able to push the conditioning. Every dog is diffrent but the major thing is meat and fat coupled with hard regular work,and a good quiet bed to rest on.

That last bit is so important but easily forgotten. Its no good taking a dog and running the arse off it then taking it home to be pestered by other dogs or kids.

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imo diet can slightly help stamina , obviously a minor part but the right fuel of nutrients and recovery remedies , will give your dog the edge , a healthy balanced diet will effect performance levels including stamina ,.........but as being a small percentage you have too physically build the dog up ,...........

I can see a difference in dogs / hounds that are on just biscuit too them that are on flesh ,........flesh stays in the dogs longer , digests slower and gives them the correct nutrients for there forays, they are genuinely more alert and bouncing with more energy and better condition .

ive found that my dogs can have good stamina on dry food alone, but a good balance of meat and dry food does improve stamina in a dog. ive never fed just raw but i wouldnt emagine that there would be much if any difference between just a meat diet and a good balance of dry food and meat.


agree dogs need roughage in there diet and just flesh alone is not a balanced diet , combine the both is what a lot do

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When I hear about dogs that do amazing on shite food and conditioning it just makes me think what they would of been capable of if everything had been done to highest standards :yes:


Same when I see a good dog with a rubbish handler...

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