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Hawkings Search For E.t

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Go on Fraz, chuck some scripture up as well. It's equally as irrelevant as Prof Hawking's views on theism.

I knew you weren't far away born, lol just showing you that after all his work, he's admitting he could be wrong.


What's your thoughts born, on Hawkins comments about, CERN, an the hadron collider.

Just showing something completely irrelevant more like in a desperate attempt to push your agenda where ever you can.


He's admitted he could be wrong has he...... WOW chuck him on the pile with every other sane thinking scientist. Anybody with any shred of credibility knows they could be wrong. It's only the batshit crazy evangelist types that haven't thought long enough on anything to figure that out.

Born honestly, in not trying to push anything, I thought it was relevant to the topic, have you seen me trying to push anything, other than my opinion on topics, you need to chill out, I could easily have said the same to anybody, but hey, that's their opinion an there entitled to it, its only a discussion.



An I would disagree with you about the scientists, take for Dawkins, his extremists views are one way, an I could list lots more, but again that's there opinion, an there entitled to it.

Okay, no malice intended here at all. You put a large un-sourced text up all about Hawking's views on theism on a thread about the search for extra terrestrial life...... There's negligible relevance!


Despite that I will happily agree that the topic of human consciousness and that of intelligent design is interesting and exciting (in a nerdy way). But these constant references to God and academic conspiracy (as another means of pushing the god agenda) are f***ing tiresome! Can we just leave science threads to be exclusively about science? I love talking about the anthropic principle/theism etc but all they ever do is turn into f***ing arguments on here with fundamentalist evangelist types (from both sides) attacking each other.

Mate your the one taking it bad no one else seems to be, an I take back the dimension thing, its a theory, but gaining momentum, have a read at this....




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Can't even initiate conversation with the wife half the time lol

we put men on the moon long before we put little wheels on suitcases ....how funked up is that?

hmm I don't have a watch of this it's not long and very interesting '  


Mate your the one taking it bad no one else seems to be, an I take back the dimension thing, its a theory, but gaining momentum, have a read at this....






Apparently I wasn't blessed with a healthy helping of tolerance when him in the clouds cast me.


I know about the theories surrounding extra dimensions. I was picking you up on your misuse of the word 'proven'. Something which a lot of people would do well to better understand. It's fair to say the majority of the scientific community believe there are more than 3 dimensions.

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An mate no one, specifically mention God apart from you, lol, plus the alien thing relates to the dimensional thing, that's why I mentioned it.


Oh right'o. Must just be me reading all that crap about Hawking's brother to be about God then... and the previous post about Hawking's religious views to be about, well you know religion. :blink:


...on a thread about searching for E.T.

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Im not religious in the normal sense. I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws. (Quoted in Stephen Hawking prepares for weightless flight, New Scientist [April 26, 2007])


I'm the only one to mention God indeed....... :whistling::blink:

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Im not religious in the normal sense. I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws. (Quoted in Stephen Hawking prepares for weightless flight, New Scientist [April 26, 2007])

I'm the only one to mention God indeed....... :whistling::blink:

It was Hawkins mentioned God not me, that's his quote, lol


I put that article there to show, even Hawkins could be wrong mate.

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As an aside, does anyone else have a suspicion that Hawkins is putting it on?........I bet that horrible little f****r gets home and jumps up out of that chair like a f***ing jack in the box and leaps round like Wayne Sleep !!


He would definitely be in my top 3 of people to fight along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Bill Oddy !!

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As an aside, does anyone else have a suspicion that Hawkins is putting it on?........I bet that horrible little f****r gets home and jumps up out of that chair like a f***ing jack in the box and leaps round like Wayne Sleep !!


He would definitely be in my top 3 of people to fight along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Bill Oddy !!


I'm such a f***ing geek, the first thing that made me think of was Professor Zoom out of The Flash. :icon_redface: He does the same.

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As an aside, does anyone else have a suspicion that Hawkins is putting it on?........I bet that horrible little f****r gets home and jumps up out of that chair like a f***ing jack in the box and leaps round like Wayne Sleep !!

He would definitely be in my top 3 of people to fight along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Bill Oddy !!

Certainly would make a entertaining celebrity death match :laugh:

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Next person to cry about topics on a open forum, will be shot, :)


No he won't. if he's complaining that every topic turns into a another god topic, he will be hoisted aloft and praised by his peers. :laugh:


Anyway, not crying, just stating the obvious. :thumbs:

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