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Hawkings Search For E.t

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Another thing about E.T and aliens,,,,I've always thought,,the conspiracy theory's ,,we're started by governments to cover up other stuff,,ie spying testing new air craft,,or whatever,,,there's so many folk out wanting to believe in ET,,,that it's a convenient scape goat...


Here's a for instance....joe blogs takes a pic of a space ship,,,he's interviewed by plod,,,then airforce and finally ,,,the men in black suits...then his pics go missing nice and convenient ,,,he's told to keep stumm by the suits,,..but he doesn't (and actually the black suits don't want him to) he goes to press,,they run the story,,,,and yet another conspiracy that there must be aliens and the government is covering it up...


The actual pic was some new top secret aircraft...

Correct card no doubt.

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Can't even initiate conversation with the wife half the time lol

we put men on the moon long before we put little wheels on suitcases ....how funked up is that?

hmm I don't have a watch of this it's not long and very interesting '  


So what is the universe expanding in to? If light travels at 186000 miles per second at the 1second mark after the bang light traveled 186000 miles, but into what exactly?????? If nothing was there before

yeah this gets me and surely something cannot expnd in to nothing? someone said the universe is like a bubble expanding but the bubble is expanding in to the atmosphere what can the universe be expanding into?



It's difficult to conceptualise. Try not to think of it as a geometric expansion like a cloud swelling into the space around it. Cosmic expansion is a stretching of the dimensions of space itself. Can you conceptualise time stretching? Slowing down or speeding up relative to others? Well imagine the same but for the space dimensions. If they are stretching, causing an expansion of the volume of the universe/space, then the universe isn't expanding 'in to' anything as such.


Take a piece of elastic and tie two knots in it. The elastic is one of our 3 spacial dimensions. As you stretch it, the dimension of the universe that is represented by the length of that piece of elastic grows with any two fixed points in that universe getting further apart too. That piece of elastic is expanding, in our model, into the air around it, but given that it is a representation of an actual spacial dimension and not a physical object, it's not actually expanding in to anything, that we can be aware of at least.


That's expansion and big bang. What is 'outside' or, probably more accurately, beyond our 3 dimensional space/universe is not described by these theories and neither do they attempt to. :thumbs:

Edited by Born Hunter
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If the Big Bang theory is correct then the chance of us meeting intelligent life in the next few centuries is slim to none. Earth is perfect for life and it's took us this long to evolve into the intelligent creatures that we are, the same timescale of evolution would more than likely be similar on other planets that could contain life.

It's difficult to conceptualise. Try not to think of it as a geometric expansion like a cloud swelling into the space around it. Cosmic expansion is a stretching of the dimensions of space itself. Can you conceptualise time stretching? Slowing down or speeding up relative to others? Well imagine the same but for the space dimensions. If they are stretching, causing an expansion of the volume of the universe/space, then the universe isn't expanding 'in to' anything as such.


Take a piece of elastic and tie two knots in it. The elastic is one of our 3 spacial dimensions. As you stretch it, the dimension of the universe that is represented by the length of that piece of elastic grows with any two fixed points in that universe getting further apart too. That piece of elastic is expanding, in our model, into the air around it, but given that it is a representation of an actual spacial dimension and not a physical object, it's not actually expanding in to anything, that we can be aware of at least.


That's expansion and big bang. What is 'outside' or, probably more accurately, beyond our 3 dimensional space/universe is not described by these theories and neither do they attempt to. :thumbs:

Think you replied to the wrong bloke mate ha.

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Another thing about E.T and aliens,,,,I've always thought,,the conspiracy theory's ,,we're started by governments to cover up other stuff,,ie spying testing new air craft,,or whatever,,,there's so many folk out wanting to believe in ET,,,that it's a convenient scape goat...


Here's a for instance....joe blogs takes a pic of a space ship,,,he's interviewed by plod,,,then airforce and finally ,,,the men in black suits...then his pics go missing nice and convenient ,,,he's told to keep stumm by the suits,,..but he doesn't (and actually the black suits don't want him to) he goes to press,,they run the story,,,,and yet another conspiracy that there must be aliens and the government is covering it up...


The actual pic was some new top secret aircraft...


I agree, in most instances.


However, there is a story of an RAF interceptor that was scrambled back in the cold war to a UFO in British airspace. The pilot reported how the aircraft manoeuvred like nothing even conceivable by human technological standards.


Plenty of potential rational explanations, but still, occasionally there are quite incredible reports...


Edited; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakenheath-Bentwaters_incident

Edited by Born Hunter
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So what is the universe expanding in to? If light travels at 186000 miles per second at the 1second mark after the bang light traveled 186000 miles, but into what exactly?????? If nothing was there before


yeah this gets me and surely something cannot expnd in to nothing? someone said the universe is like a bubble expanding but the bubble is expanding in to the atmosphere what can the universe be expanding into?

It's difficult to conceptualise. Try not to think of it as a geometric expansion like a cloud swelling into the space around it. Cosmic expansion is a stretching of the dimensions of space itself. Can you conceptualise time stretching? Slowing down or speeding up relative to others? Well imagine the same but for the space dimensions. If they are stretching, causing an expansion of the volume of the universe/space, then the universe isn't expanding 'in to' anything as such.


Take a piece of elastic and tie two knots in it. The elastic is one of our 3 spacial dimensions. As you stretch it, the dimension of the universe that is represented by the length of that piece of elastic grows with any two fixed points in that universe getting further apart too. That piece of elastic is expanding, in our model, into the air around it, but given that it is a representation of an actual spacial dimension and not a physical object, it's not actually expanding in to anything, that we can be aware of at least.


That's expansion and big bang. What is 'outside' or, probably more accurately, beyond our 3 dimensional space/universe is not described by these theories and neither do they attempt to. :thumbs:

Lol,,,clear as mud to me all that.....all I know is ,,,it's a big old place this universe ,,,

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Has anyone thought about the law of gravity, what is it an how did it come to be?


When we see pics or whatever of our solar system, the planets an stars are floating, actually everything is floating, what is gravity an how the feck does it keep everything afloat?

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Sorry to burst the alien hunters bubble, lol


If people are saying aliens evolved, then its not true, nor did life on earth evolve.


I've put this up before, scientist Louis pasteur, proved with his swan neck experiment, that life cannot spontaneously generate, ie abiogenisis, he proved this over a hundred years ago but, its ignored, sorry to break it to you lads.


Google Louis pasteuer an youl find all you need to know.

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