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Hawkings Search For E.t

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Advancing our passive listening technology and operations is great. There could be any number of signals out there we are missing.

Sending out more signals though, I think is foolhardy and pointless. Foolhardy because we cannot presume or even hope that an alien civilisation will have any sort of moral respect for our existence. We're primitive, have barely taken our first steps from home and would get flattened! Pointless because the likelihood of there being advanced life close enough to earth to be of the slightest interest or use is slim, we'd probably already have heard them by now, or vice versa. JmoUnfortunately the universe is made in such a way to keep evolved life very separate. Estimates based on the drake equation, our understanding of cosmic expansion and that bitch special relativity just make 'contact' an improbable nightmarish dream!

We should definitely be looking to the stars... but let's master space travel, not space phone calls. We need to master our environment.

Only as we know it at the moment. Tomorrow could bring a huge leap forward with an unexpected discovery that would transform space travel.

Maybe CERN will find a superluminous tachyon and special rel can go f**k itself. Or maybe we'll figure out wormhole technology.

BH - You DO realise you posted this on THL and not some nerdy scientist forum, right? :D

lol......I didn't realise Born was bilingual?

Isn't that a form of oral?
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Can't even initiate conversation with the wife half the time lol

we put men on the moon long before we put little wheels on suitcases ....how funked up is that?

hmm I don't have a watch of this it's not long and very interesting '  



Hmm, 2 million light years away. So by the time we receive any message they're long gone !

It could be 2 yards away, it would take old hot wheels the same amount of time to jog there !!
Good one wilf, :)
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Im not religious in the normal sense. I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws. (Quoted in Stephen Hawking prepares for weightless flight, New Scientist [April 26, 2007])

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The English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, surprised the scientific community last week when he announced during a speech at the University of Cambridge that he believed that some form of intelligence was actually behind the creation of the Universe.

Presenting himself before students at the University of Cambridge, the world-famous scientist declared that his years of research on the creation of the cosmos have led him to isolate a strange scientific factor which he says is in many ways contrary to the universal laws of physics.

This strange phenomenon which he names the God factor, would be at the origin of the creation process and would have played a great role in determining the actual form of the Universe.


The world renown scientist admits the near death experience of his brother, who was clinically dead for 43 minutes after a heart attack last october, radically changed his view on the nature of human consciousness and the Universe as a whole

My brother has always been a role model for me. His rational, cunning and no non-sense mind has shaped my personality into the person I am today and has led me into the study of the fascinating world of physics. But since his accident last October, he has come back a changed man he recalled.

He has told me of the existence of a sentient being, of another world we mortals are unaware of, he has told me of God he told the crowd, visibly surprised at such affirmations.

Modern science relies on the perception that consciousness lies within the human brain, but what my brother experienced during his clinical death, I cannot explain. Does consciousness lie outside of the human body? Is the human brain just a receptor, capable of receiving the consciousness wave as AM/FM radios receive radio waves? These are questions modern science has not yet answered and could redefine our view of the Universe and modern physics completely he acknowledged.


We were not expecting this told the Head of the Department of Astrophysics, John Bairns. I am simply baffled, I dont know what to say he told local reporters

In my 40 years as a physicist, the thought of the Universe being a living entity never crossed my mind. I admit, Dr Hawking has given us much to ponder about admitted Professor John Bairns, politely.

These declarations by the award-winning cosmologist have caused a great commotion in the scientific community, some even publicly admitting that it was time for him to retire and that even great minds fall short in time.


That was in march 8 2015, lol

Edited by Francie
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Good post that France and I agree with what he's saying when you look at just how much had to be just right for us to even exist then it certainly looks like we had a helping hand and we are on just scratching the surface with quantum physics and mechanics it's a great time of discovery we are living in especially with theory's like string theory meaning there could be upto 11 different dimensions.. I think the problem lies on how we interpret it all.

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Go on Fraz, chuck some scripture up as well. It's equally as irrelevant as Prof Hawking's views on theism.

I knew you weren't far away born, lol just showing you that after all his work, he's admitting he could be wrong.


What's your thoughts born, on Hawkins comments about, CERN, an the hadron collider.

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Good post that France and I agree with what he's saying when you look at just how much had to be just right for us to even exist then it certainly looks like we had a helping hand and we are on just scratching the surface with quantum physics and mechanics it's a great time of discovery we are living in especially with theory's like string theory meaning there could be upto 11 different dimensions.. I think the problem lies on how we interpret it all.

It's been proven there other dimensions kanny, is parrell universes, that's what there looking for at cern.

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Go on Fraz, chuck some scripture up as well. It's equally as irrelevant as Prof Hawking's views on theism.

I knew you weren't far away born, lol just showing you that after all his work, he's admitting he could be wrong.


What's your thoughts born, on Hawkins comments about, CERN, an the hadron collider.



Just showing something completely irrelevant more like in a desperate attempt to push your agenda where ever you can.


He's admitted he could be wrong has he...... WOW chuck him on the pile with every other sane thinking scientist. Anybody with any shred of credibility knows they could be wrong. It's only the batshit crazy evangelist types that haven't thought long enough on anything to figure that out.

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Good post that France and I agree with what he's saying when you look at just how much had to be just right for us to even exist then it certainly looks like we had a helping hand and we are on just scratching the surface with quantum physics and mechanics it's a great time of discovery we are living in especially with theory's like string theory meaning there could be upto 11 different dimensions.. I think the problem lies on how we interpret it all.

It's been proven there other dimensions kanny, is parrell universes, that's what there looking for at cern.



No it hasn't. It's been hypothesised. PERIOD!

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Go on Fraz, chuck some scripture up as well. It's equally as irrelevant as Prof Hawking's views on theism.

I knew you weren't far away born, lol just showing you that after all his work, he's admitting he could be wrong.


What's your thoughts born, on Hawkins comments about, CERN, an the hadron collider.

Just showing something completely irrelevant more like in a desperate attempt to push your agenda where ever you can.


He's admitted he could be wrong has he...... WOW chuck him on the pile with every other sane thinking scientist. Anybody with any shred of credibility knows they could be wrong. It's only the batshit crazy evangelist types that haven't thought long enough on anything to figure that out.

Born honestly, in not trying to push anything, I thought it was relevant to the topic, have you seen me trying to push anything, other than my opinion on topics, you need to chill out, I could easily have said the same to anybody, but hey, that's their opinion an there entitled to it, its only a discussion.



An I would disagree with you about the scientists, take for Dawkins, his extremists views are one way, an I could list lots more, but again that's there opinion, an there entitled to it.

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Good post that France and I agree with what he's saying when you look at just how much had to be just right for us to even exist then it certainly looks like we had a helping hand and we are on just scratching the surface with quantum physics and mechanics it's a great time of discovery we are living in especially with theory's like string theory meaning there could be upto 11 different dimensions.. I think the problem lies on how we interpret it all.

It's been proven there other dimensions kanny, is parrell universes, that's what there looking for at cern.

No it hasn't. It's been hypothesised. PERIOD!

Scientist at CERN seem to think so?

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Go on Fraz, chuck some scripture up as well. It's equally as irrelevant as Prof Hawking's views on theism.

I knew you weren't far away born, lol just showing you that after all his work, he's admitting he could be wrong.


What's your thoughts born, on Hawkins comments about, CERN, an the hadron collider.

Just showing something completely irrelevant more like in a desperate attempt to push your agenda where ever you can.


He's admitted he could be wrong has he...... WOW chuck him on the pile with every other sane thinking scientist. Anybody with any shred of credibility knows they could be wrong. It's only the batshit crazy evangelist types that haven't thought long enough on anything to figure that out.

Born honestly, in not trying to push anything, I thought it was relevant to the topic, have you seen me trying to push anything, other than my opinion on topics, you need to chill out, I could easily have said the same to anybody, but hey, that's their opinion an there entitled to it, its only a discussion.



An I would disagree with you about the scientists, take for Dawkins, his extremists views are one way, an I could list lots more, but again that's there opinion, an there entitled to it.



Okay, no malice intended here at all. You put a large un-sourced text up all about Hawking's views on theism on a thread about the search for extra terrestrial life...... There's negligible relevance!


Despite that I will happily agree that the topic of human consciousness and that of intelligent design is interesting and exciting (in a nerdy way). But these constant references to God and academic conspiracy (as another means of pushing the god agenda) are f***ing tiresome! Can we just leave science threads to be exclusively about science? I love talking about the anthropic principle/theism etc but all they ever do is turn into f***ing arguments on here with fundamentalist evangelist types (from both sides) attacking each other.

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Good post that France and I agree with what he's saying when you look at just how much had to be just right for us to even exist then it certainly looks like we had a helping hand and we are on just scratching the surface with quantum physics and mechanics it's a great time of discovery we are living in especially with theory's like string theory meaning there could be upto 11 different dimensions.. I think the problem lies on how we interpret it all.

It's been proven there other dimensions kanny, is parrell universes, that's what there looking for at cern.

No it hasn't. It's been hypothesised. PERIOD!

Scientist at CERN seem to think so?



No they don't. What they believe and what they have proven are two different things.

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