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Fisty Cuffs

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Why is fighting illegal, why do we go to court and risk getting arrested for fighting ? I can understand if it's in a place where public can be disturbed but there's two things humans have been doing since day one and thats f***ing and fighting we don't go to court when we have sex so why do we need to go to court when we fight its natural and we will be fighting for the rest of days when mankind is around also I'm not a fighting man I don't fight unless it's for my family and being the older brother of younger brothers and sisters I feel it's my job at times u don't go looking for fights but will fight when I have to and have been to the courts and cells a few times beacuse the other person who starts the trouble cannot handle it and chooses to involve the shades

Exactly this! Only a month back had the old bill come to my door. Brother whos 21 had a fight with a bloke and got the better of him. Imagine the blokes gone home and called the police. Dont understand how that enters someones head ffs.


I wondered it a class thing? we live in a nicer area now far from posh but rough at all. Where we used to live noone would dare call the police for anything. Wasnt too long ago one of the youngsters say 16/17 got robbed by 3 others for his phone. Saw the kid with aload of his mates so asked if their going to sort out getting the phone back. He replied "nah thats being sorted i called the police". Jesus i didnt know what to say lol id be ashamed if i had a kid like that.

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Just before a fight I'm thinking he's bigger than me........they're always bigger!!!!!!

Got no problem two lads having a fair straighter,it's the pumped up junkie c**t or wannabe gangster type that stabs you up when you least expect it I'd be more worried about,happens all to often

Yeah you always get loads of trouble at those under 16's Disco...

I was always brutal at having a scrap and the last one I had was about eight years ago with an up an coming boxer from my area that was after giving a young lad a few digs I seen it while out was out walking my jrt so I says leave it out an he told to shut up or I'll get the same so I got stuck in every one was shouting go on Peter your milling him then I tripped up over the dog and the dirty cnut gave me a kick in the face an done a legger but im proud of the fight its the only one iv had that I didn't have to wake up and ask who won

This post an your next post very funny mate, lol

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