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When you lived outside and you never had a wagon a tent was a must


Some gypsie family near me make and sell baskets, class they are. They are very dark skinned folk, very typey in look. In the warmer months other family visit in wagons etc, nice to see a few chickens and all that & them sat round a fire sometimes weaving a basket, but like going back in time.

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My great Grandfather it's hard to tell from this pic but he's was very dark in skin colour, he lived all he's life in a wagon and when Ww1 broke out he signed up although he was a traveller he was ver

This is one of my lighter skinned great grandfathers, he's what used to be called a London Lee he had a boxing booth on the fairgrounds, also after a bit of research I found out that he had a granddau

your welcome to come and have a day out with me with the dogs and my family if you want , and although a lot of the proper old ways are dying out ( mind you same could be said for society in general)

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When you lived outside and you never had a wagon a tent was a must

I've said this before on here,my dad was born in 47 , he went to school with a Romany girl who lived in a bender tent,an she had to keep change of clothes at school that the teacher washed as the other kids moaned about the woodsmoke on her home clothes.

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When you lived outside and you never had a wagon a tent was a must

that's an interesting photo taken in portmerion that's where they filmed the prisoner in 1960s with Patrick magoohan in the italiante village created by clough Williams ellis who was a real eccentric

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Just a couple of old photos I like


Just a couple of old photos I like


in that top photo those tents look just like north American tipi's did they cook in them when it rained ?the one on the right looks like it has a smoke flap

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This is one of my lighter skinned great grandfathers, he's what used to be called a London Lee he had a boxing booth on the fairgrounds, also after a bit of research I found out that he had a granddaughter called violet that married a London Gorger man called Charlie anyway tops up they had twin boys that where quit well known around the East end lol

nice reading wagon, my family come from the Romney marshes, then my great gran married into a Romany family so I,m a bit of each very dark skin not much hair but when I did it was dark and curly, I have a cousin that still lives in Essex and has also traced our family back for many generations, I would like to see my family tree, but the only time I see my cousin is at a funeral these days and it does not seem the right time to ask, it's nice to have a bit of history, FairPlay to you for keeping yours
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Just as a bit of honest local history/prejudice.

When I was in secondary school some long years ago, we used to see (mainly in summer) proper gypsies calling at and moving through our small village to carryout seasonal work and they were housed in caravans and often just stopped on the village green or some wide verge. They were always regarded with respect as they were from Romania and all points east. They paid for what they ate asked permission to gather game and were very intelligent and hardworking people.

Then there were the Irish gypsies and the once removed didicoy they were the opposite and were hated by the 'proper' gypsies for turning local communities gainst travellers.

Then there were what was called tinkers they travelled the roads and fixed things, helped with repairs and harvests. Regarded with respect also we used to see the same families for years.


In those days, those two groups of travellers 'proper' gypsies and tinkers were respected for hard work - much like the poles today. They arrived immediately blended in, went to the pub, renewed acquaintances and stayed for about a month or as long as the work was available. I used to go out with some of their lads.

The second group were unwelcome and carried with them distrust, dishonesty and often disgust.

Travellers arent all the same but most of those we see these days are those who pay no tax, borrow food, provide shoddy goods and belong to the Irish group.

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As an afterthought, I was 'offered' a generator by an Irishman in a white van - just got one left - let you have it cheap just off back to Ireland. I'm sure you know the scam - looks like a petrol generator but has no 'guts' i.e. it was built as new never intending to be used.

The term p***y seems to suit here.

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irish are the worst,scum.

If you think they are hated in England then you want to see how they are treated in Ireland, people can't stand them......they won't even let them play for a local football team and shot like that.

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I spent a whole summer in Kildare stopping on a farm in Newbridge Lovely people they where the farmer he's wife and children. One day while all us men where at work and only the women and children where home a van load of em pulled I the gate and on the field . Before they could says a word the farmer and he's sons drummed them of . The farmer was as good as gold with us but wouldn't entertain the knackers as he called them lol

Edited by marshman
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As an afterthought, I was 'offered' a generator by an Irishman in a white van - just got one left - let you have it cheap just off back to Ireland. I'm sure you know the scam - looks like a petrol generator but has no 'guts' i.e. it was built as new never intending to be used.

The term p***y seems to suit here.

werent we all offered them shite jennys,working on sites ,a van pulls up,selling anything from shite packs of screwdrivers/spanners and god knows what else...

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irish are the worst,scum.

If you think they are hated in England then you want to see how they are treated in Ireland, people can't stand them......they won't even let them play for a local football team and shot like that.


ive called to farms,and one in particular,the farmer comes out with a steel pipe in his hand,(i was driving a transit at the time)got chatting to him,mentioned a neighbour of his and he put the pipe away thankfully,told me the travellers had called while he was at mass a few weeks previous,broke the lock from the outdoor sheds,and proceeded to help themselves to the 2 quads,and most of his tools,they were interupted by a caller and made good their escape,In fairness to him he gave me the full run of the land the same day,,,then another issue is when ye walk the dogs and stupid thick c**ts askin,,,''WILL YE SELL THE DAG'' anytime ye venture out.their like vultures,waiting for the next victim,and when you hear the dogs barking and find these fuckers on yer garden wall accesing which dogs to take,with dog leads in their hands,they come prepared......dont think they were prepared for the shotgun pointing at their legs or the sons with iron bars,no wonder their hated...theres plenty of decent ones but a whole lot of horrid fuckers

Edited by jigsaw
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A farmers 2 lads local caught one in the barn robbing, the 2 lads were big strapping Gaelic players.......they beat the living shit out of him, the dad called the guard and when the guard got there the knacker starts giving out about the youngs lads beating him......so they beat him again and the guard turned his back.

Guard told them to throw him out on the lane and he would go down to where the knacker stayed the next day........"don't worry boys, you won't have no more trouble from them"

And they didn't !


Now that's common sense police work !

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Theres 7 sites between two and ten minutes walk from my house and never and never had a problem with them trying to take my dogs and my dogs would be easy to nick i only have a small fence around my garden an a bit of rope and clip to keep my pen closed.ive lamped with a few of them over the years and had them in my home there not all bad.

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I'm friendly with a couple in my town, and they asked if I had had any bother so I just told them straight "tell anyone who wants to listen, if they come up my place to f**k about they won't be going home again"

Wasn't trying to be Rambo just being straight and honest.......I'm a big believer in if the rules are clear then there is no need for anyone to fall out.

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