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Gypsy Or Traveller

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My great Grandfather it's hard to tell from this pic but he's was very dark in skin colour, he lived all he's life in a wagon and when Ww1 broke out he signed up although he was a traveller he was ver

This is one of my lighter skinned great grandfathers, he's what used to be called a London Lee he had a boxing booth on the fairgrounds, also after a bit of research I found out that he had a granddau

your welcome to come and have a day out with me with the dogs and my family if you want , and although a lot of the proper old ways are dying out ( mind you same could be said for society in general)

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I wouldn't mind listening to you about the history and stories of your heritage over a few pints. I'd say there is some jewels to be told.

Is it true gypsies were a lower caste that had to leave northern India and some ended up in Romania and then some in North Africa mixing with the Moors?

a few pints I'm up for that mate lol .. One day I'll have my DNa tested to find out where my genetic markers come from , I could be wrong but I've read of different tribes of nomadic horsemen that moved through Asia and into Europe through the grassland plains of the steppes and nto mainland Europe , the Alan's and Huns also not forgetting the great Khan . Its just a hunch but that's where I think my people come from
maybe -maybe ye were here first (i.e picts or something like that)..there was a documentary on rte lately that would support your nomadic horsemsn theory Edited by tinytiger
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