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Gypsy Or Traveller

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My great Grandfather it's hard to tell from this pic but he's was very dark in skin colour, he lived all he's life in a wagon and when Ww1 broke out he signed up although he was a traveller he was ver

This is one of my lighter skinned great grandfathers, he's what used to be called a London Lee he had a boxing booth on the fairgrounds, also after a bit of research I found out that he had a granddau

your welcome to come and have a day out with me with the dogs and my family if you want , and although a lot of the proper old ways are dying out ( mind you same could be said for society in general)

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It's really fascinating to read this stuff from an educated man who knows what he's talking about, rather than the chest-puffing "I'll fight you" pish you hear from the travelling wannabes.

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I wouldn't mind listening to you about the history and stories of your heritage over a few pints. I'd say there is some jewels to be told.

I was just thinking that myself, marshman seems like a real decent lad would love to really pick his brains about all things gypsy over a few pints :yes:


You're a credit to your people marsh, bet you've changed a few peoples minds about gypsies after meeting you :thumbs:

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It's really fascinating to read this stuff from an educated man who knows what he's talking about, rather than the chest-puffing "I'll fight you" pish you hear from the travelling wannabes.

Certainly refreshing i know that much ....Marshman seems just about the classiest Gypsy ive ever come across.......oh no thats right im not cool enough to know a real gypsy !

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I wouldn't mind listening to you about the history and stories of your heritage over a few pints. I'd say there is some jewels to be told.

Is it true gypsies were a lower caste that had to leave northern India and some ended up in Romania and then some in North Africa mixing with the Moors?

a few pints I'm up for that mate lol .. One day I'll have my DNa tested to find out where my genetic markers come from , I could be wrong but I've read of different tribes of nomadic horsemen that moved through Asia and into Europe through the grassland plains of the steppes and nto mainland Europe , the Alan's and Huns also not forgetting the great Khan . Its just a hunch but that's where I think my people come from Edited by marshman
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I wouldn't mind listening to you about the history and stories of your heritage over a few pints. I'd say there is some jewels to be told.

Is it true gypsies were a lower caste that had to leave northern India and some ended up in Romania and then some in North Africa mixing with the Moors?

a few pints I'm up for that mate lol .. One day I'll have my DNa tested to find out where my genetic markers come from , I could be wrong but I've read of different tribes of nomadic horsemen that moved through Asia and into Europe through the grassland plains of the steppes and nto mainland Europe , the Alan's and Huns also not forgetting the great Khan . Its just a hunch but that's where I think my people come from

I reckon you're bang on there, gypsies being a blend of all the many different nomadic peoples that travelled the old routes between Asia and Europe just makes sense.

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Marshman you seem like a good chap who wont get all frenzied and exciteable if i word this question wrongly........but within British society would you agree that the Guy Ritchie film " Snatch " did for Gypsys what the film " Jaws " did for Great White sharks ? :D ..........lets face it nobody gave a shit about gypsys before but they seem the latest trend these days........personally ive got nothing against them ive never had a gypsy do me harm and the ones ive experienced have always been straightforward in their dealings and been good natured/respectful etc.......but i must admit i dont find them any more fascinating than a Pakistani or African the way some folk do i just wondered what your thoughts were as you must have seen the changes yourself ?

Edited by gnasher16
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Thank you for your kind comments lads, I don't need to tell you lads there's a lot of shitehouses in my people. so I really appreciate it when people give me a fair chance and judge me on for me , even though I don't blame them for distrusting after seeing some of the strokes travellers pull lol . Sounds soppy but I do appreciate it lol

Shithouses in every walk of life mate.......;-)

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It's a very confusing matter for gorjer people I don't think anyone I have met understand anything that's why it's very hard for gorjer people go understand and instead just stereotype.

Shepp some showman families are both Romany and showman I have a friend who's family are both I used to work on fairgrounds with him.

my skin is fair only ever gets brown when I'm in the sun but once it's got colour it hangs about for some time I have a cousin who's skin is so dark he looks he's from the Middle East jet black hair aswell, strange beacuse I had jet black hair when I was a child and now it's light brown

It's strange how things seem to have become more inter mingled, I used to sit amongst men as a kid and they would have nothing to do with the Irish "hedge mumpers" they called them.......many a time I heard the sentence "they are not travellers they are f***ing hedge mumpers".........but I know from chat to a lad that used to be on here that he is married to a Romany girl and he is Irish but seems a thoroughly decent lad.

And my gran was Irish but married my grandad (then spent the rest of her life having to listen about hedge mumpers !! Lol ).......so it odd.

I know Romany people from my childhood never regarded the Irish as true travellers ?


Very interesting Marshman, thank you for sharing

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Marshman you seem like a good chap who wont get all frenzied and exciteable if i word this question wrongly........but within British society would you agree that the Guy Ritchie film " Snatch " did for Gypsys what the film " Jaws " did for Great White sharks ? :D ..........lets face it nobody gave a shit about gypsys before but they seem the latest trend these days........personally ive got nothing against them ive never had a gypsy do me harm and the ones ive experienced have always been straightforward in their dealings and been good natured/respectful etc.......but i must admit i dont find them any more fascinating than a Pakistani or African the way some folk do i just wondered what your thoughts were as you must have seen the changes yourself ?

That and channel 4.......total nonsense and people making a show of themselves mate.

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