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Gypsy Or Traveller

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This is one of my lighter skinned great grandfathers, he's what used to be called a London Lee he had a boxing booth on the fairgrounds, also after a bit of research I found out that he had a granddaughter called violet that married a London Gorger man called Charlie anyway tops up they had twin boys that where quit well known around the East end lol

nice wagon.

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My great Grandfather it's hard to tell from this pic but he's was very dark in skin colour, he lived all he's life in a wagon and when Ww1 broke out he signed up although he was a traveller he was ver

This is one of my lighter skinned great grandfathers, he's what used to be called a London Lee he had a boxing booth on the fairgrounds, also after a bit of research I found out that he had a granddau

your welcome to come and have a day out with me with the dogs and my family if you want , and although a lot of the proper old ways are dying out ( mind you same could be said for society in general)

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Liked the old footage marshman looked a great way of life i,ll bet a hard one,bet lurchers seen some gear,women pinching potatoes sorry i mean picking potatoes,how times have changed not always for the better.

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Liked the old footage marshman looked a great way of life i,ll bet a hard one,bet lurchers seen some gear,women pinching potatoes sorry i mean picking potatoes,how times have changed not always for the better.

living off the land hard but a good way of life . Imagine the land how clean it must've been !
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Liked the old footage marshman looked a great way of life i,ll bet a hard one,bet lurchers seen some gear,women pinching potatoes sorry i mean picking potatoes,how times have changed not always for the better.

living off the land hard but a good way of life . Imagine the land how clean it must've been !


very clean land,in times gone ,nowadays its clean sheds,..!!!!!!!!

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It's a very confusing matter for gorjer people I don't think anyone I have met understand anything that's why it's very hard for gorjer people go understand and instead just stereotype.

Shepp some showman families are both Romany and showman I have a friend who's family are both I used to work on fairgrounds with him.

my skin is fair only ever gets brown when I'm in the sun but once it's got colour it hangs about for some time I have a cousin who's skin is so dark he looks he's from the Middle East jet black hair aswell, strange beacuse I had jet black hair when I was a child and now it's light brown

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Very interesting.

There are a lot traveling showman and settled gypsy's in my town, Ashford Middlesex.

My mother lived next door to a yard where the Lee family lived that were showman, my mum and nan talked about them with great affection.


Just talked to my mum and she said as a child she was always in there yard, even used to go and help out at the fair with them when local.

She said they were lovely people.

Edited by shepp
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