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Gypsy Or Traveller

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no offence meant to anyone but after reading the tyson fury thread i am confused , so after a look on the internet i found gordon boswells gypsy museum on youtube,he says the gypsys came from india,which accounts for the dark skin on the gypsys you got knocking on your door looking for work,most were quiet and very polite ,had to be to get the work as nobody likes a gobshite,now there are thousands of gypsys all wanting to pitch there caravans at the expense of the taxpayer , now it is imposible for all these people to be romany gypsys as that gene pool must have been diluted to nothing now,so what is the differance between a gypsy and a traveller,is a traveller just someone who likes caravan hollidays but objects to paying site fees,and do genuine gypsys get offended by all the false gypsys there are now,just look at appleby horse fair nowadays,more non gypsys than gypsys.

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My great Grandfather it's hard to tell from this pic but he's was very dark in skin colour, he lived all he's life in a wagon and when Ww1 broke out he signed up although he was a traveller he was ver

This is one of my lighter skinned great grandfathers, he's what used to be called a London Lee he had a boxing booth on the fairgrounds, also after a bit of research I found out that he had a granddau

your welcome to come and have a day out with me with the dogs and my family if you want , and although a lot of the proper old ways are dying out ( mind you same could be said for society in general)

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Loads of them that go to Appleby live in houses and have never lived in a caravans


We have an area round here that has quite a few people that have come from travellers


Some of them are still into collecting scrap just like their rag and bone man grandads


Still not sure why they all have a thing for horses

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Gypsy = an entirely seperate, nomadic race probably originating from India or Egypt


Traveller = Subculture of working class Irish, originally started with men travelling for work and bringing their familes along and I guess some decided they liked the road life.


Of course it'd help if they'd stick to one term for themselves :laugh: I've got Traveller mates that depending on how pissed they are they're a Traveller, Gypsy, p***y, Tinker or just plain Irish :laugh:


And don't get me started on "Irish Travellers" that have lived in houses in England for generations and don't even own a trailer :rolleyes:

Edited by BGD
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It's a hard question to answer even for me and I'm a traveller/gypsy call me what you will lol. The reason being there's so much diversity, in my own county alone I can tell the difference between different types of travellers that come from different parts of my county, and that's without going into English Irish Welsh Scottish travellers . I happen to be the dark type you mentioned in your post , I definitely don't look English so much so Turks try to talk to me in Turkish lol. I travelled in the summer months and lived in a house in the winter now I got myself an education an work what you'd call a proper job and pay my taxes. So to cut a long story boring story short I can't answer your question with a difinitive answer ...

... You can't go wrong with p***y that seems to be a universal word for Gorgers ?.

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It's a hard question to answer even for me and I'm a traveller/gypsy call me what you will lol. The reason being there's so much diversity, in my own county alone I can tell the difference between different types of travellers that come from different parts of my county, and that's without going into English Irish Welsh Scottish travellers . I happen to be the dark type you mentioned in your post , I definitely don't look English so much so Turks try to talk to me in Turkish lol. I travelled in the summer months and lived in a house in the winter now I got myself an education an work what you'd call a proper job and pay my taxes. So to cut a long story boring story short I can't answer your question with a difinitive answer ...

... You can't go wrong with p***y that seems to be a universal word for Gorgers .

Was it starting a family that made you settle completely marshman? There can't be that many travellers that have done the 'knowledge' or is there?

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When I was a kid in dorset we were told

Gypsy was always a Romany gypsy ,legend has it people though they were from Egypt ,it got shortened somehow to gypsy ??? But they found out through dialect etc that they had a lot in common with Indian tribes that were not settled?

But the Romanies used words and skills and tools/trades from every country they passed through that benefited them.


Traveller was of Irish descent, or accent


Tinker used to be a Scottish traveller.


And also there was diddicoys who were Romany x non Romany ,but lived the Romany lifestyle


And hippies who become New Age travellers.

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And also there was diddicoys who were Romany x non Romany ,but lived the Romany lifestyle



I think that would cover most English travellers/gypsies? Seems they mixed with the Romany while the Irish never did.

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It's a hard question to answer even for me and I'm a traveller/gypsy call me what you will lol. The reason being there's so much diversity, in my own county alone I can tell the difference between different types of travellers that come from different parts of my county, and that's without going into English Irish Welsh Scottish travellers . I happen to be the dark type you mentioned in your post , I definitely don't look English so much so Turks try to talk to me in Turkish lol. I travelled in the summer months and lived in a house in the winter now I got myself an education an work what you'd call a proper job and pay my taxes. So to cut a long story boring story short I can't answer your question with a difinitive answer ...

... You can't go wrong with p***y that seems to be a universal word for Gorgers .

Was it starting a family that made you settle completely marshman? There can't be that many travellers that have done the 'knowledge' or is there?
yes mate that was a very large part of it , also I've got to give credit to my missus who happens to be a privately educated Gorger girl . We lived in a trailer up until three years ago and I needed to change to progress in my life . There's not many that do my job hence I get a bit of stick and probably get called a Gorger behind my back lol
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That granddaughter violet would she be anything to do with Charles smith and Luke smith showmen brothers Charles is In a wheelchair now

might be mate I haven't delved to deep on that side of the family yet
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