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Irony Or Karma-Have A Laugh At My Expense.

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From Monday morning until Tuesday lunch-time I fitted in 14 wasp's nests. Each job required decisions about PPE,suitable approach and appartatus. Other than jaspers no wildlife was harmed . Pets ,clients ,passers-by and myself went unscathed.

So come Tuesday afternoon I'm helping a neighbour cut their hedge and guess who put a hedge trimmer through a wasp's nest.

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  On 20/07/2015 at 06:42, shropshire mole said:

It happens :boogy: Did you run a 2 minute mile!!!

No. I was wearing goggles and ear-muffs and so perhaps was not quite as aware of things as I might have been. I saw the side come off the nest and maybe because a wasp nest up close is no big deal it took a second or to for me to react. Only one actually landed a blow for Waspkind-just above the goggles.

How dare you suggest that I ran!

No ,I merely blundered backwards going"F***,s****,b****er," in a dignified manner.

Edited by comanche
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