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out calling roe bucks Friday eve and called this fella instead .First munty ever called in .Shot him to which he ran into a wood through a bordering hedge .Trailed him and on kneeling through the hedge i could see him lead out .Approached him and lifted him by the tail to reveal he landed on a wasps nest .Tbh ive never been afraid of them so calmly dragged my buck out onto the grass but the wasps had other ideas and i was stung 3 times before moving away a safe distance .It wasnt far off dusk so i waited to do the gralloch when they were less active lol.

The roe rut is on here now ,ive personally watched 5 bucks hard chasing but im holding out for a decent specimen for the taxidermist .

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I was out last night and was watching a buck chase a doe around a field of mown grass. Couldn't get a shot at him though. I'll be back tonight with the buttolo. Got to watch those wasps. happened to me 8 years ago and now I have to carry an adrenaline shot every where I go.

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I'll do you a favour and come over to stalk those 5 which don't make the grade then mate! I haven't tried calling this year yet - got a few places I'm keen to try though.


You got away with your wasp experience mate- I put a spade through a wasp nest when I was ferreting a golf course and I got stung a hell if a lot more than 3 times! First bury as well.... Made it feel like a very long day!

Edited by Yokel Matt
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