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whats the maxmium fine for taking rabbits

Guest bigredbusa

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Guest bigredbusa

ok , lets just say you wandered where you shouldnt be , you get you collar felt with a couple of rabbits (no gun) just a dog or maybe a ferret)


someone told me the fine has never changed and is £10 !!!!! is this true or just a bullsh.it myth ??? i believe the later myself

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Guest bigredbusa

just found this but does not state what the fine would be????


(1) (2) (3) (4)

Offences Enactment Amendment Penalties

NIGHT POACHING ACT 1828 (C. 69) Offences under section 1 (taking or destroying game or rabbits by night or entering land for that purpose). Section 1. For the words from “such offender†onwards substitute “he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scaleâ€. Level 3 on the standard scale.

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  bigredbusa said:
ok , lets just say you wandered where you shouldnt be , you get you collar felt with a couple of rabbits (no gun) just a dog or maybe a ferret)


someone told me the fine has never changed and is £10 !!!!! is this true or just a bullsh.it myth ??? i believe the later myself



Good question, and i expect it would also affect your SC / FAC? Any opinions / experiences anyone?

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Guest bigredbusa

no way !!!!!


Current levels of fines


[edit] United Kingdom

Level on the scale Amount of fine

1 £200

2 £500

3 £1,000

4 £2,500

5 £5,000


The above amounts apply with respect to offences committed on or after the following dates: 92

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I was told several years back that apparently it's still a legal requirement for males between two given ages to practise archery every day, simply because nobody got around to getting rid of it. Apparently, there are quite a few daft laws like this still around.

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Guest bigredbusa

Daft laws

Recently the UK's top 10 most ridiculous British laws were listed as:


# 1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament (27%)


# 2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British king or queen's image upside-down (7%)


# 3. It is illegal for a woman to be topless in Liverpool except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (6%)


# 4. Eating mince pies on Christmas Day is banned (5%)


# 5. If someone knocks on your door in Scotland and requires the use of your toilet, you are required to let them enter (4%)


# 6. In the UK a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet (4%)


# 7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the King, and the tail of the Queen (3.5%)


# 8. It is illegal not to tell the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing (3%)


# 9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of armour (3%)


# 10. It is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls of York, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow (2%)


False teeth


Other bizarre foreign laws voted by those polled included:


# In Ohio, it is illegal to get a fish drunk (9%)


# In Indonesia, the penalty for masturbation is decapitation (8%)


# A male doctor in Bahrain can only examine the genitals of a woman in the reflection of a mirror (7%)


# In Switzerland, a man may not relieve himself standing up after 10pm (6%)


# It is illegal to be blindfolded while driving a vehicle in Alabama (6%)


# In Florida, unmarried women who parachute on a Sunday could be jailed (6%)


# Women in Vermont must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth (6%)


# In Milan, it is a legal requirement to smile at all times, except during funerals or hospital visits (5%)


# In France, it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon (4%)

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