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Your Thoughts Please. Dignitas.

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It boils my piss that people like this can affect other peoples lives in such a way. If they are religous then fair enough but that is their choice. They shouldnt be able to force their rules and opinions on everyone. Its about time the politicians grew a pair and sorted something for people in this country. This poor woman will have to travel abroad to end her life months before she would have to do it here just because of twats like this.

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Is there anyone here opposed to assisted suicide?

To be honest Chris, I doubt it. Although your Irish sparing partner may say different?


As hunters we know that life is finite and most of us try and bring that about in the quickest least painful end for the animal. If you transfer that ethic to humans, why should we not be allowed the same privileges that we allow the animals we hunt?



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To be honest Chris, I doubt it. Although your Irish sparing partner may say different?


As hunters we know that life is finite and most of us try and bring that about in the quickest least painful end for the animal. If you transfer that ethic to humans, why should we not be allowed the same privileges that we allow the animals we hunt?




I couldn't agree more, TC, but have we found a thread that a majority of THL members actually agree on?


I think that, in itself, is a huge achievement!

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Is there anyone here opposed to assisted suicide?

To be honest Chris, I doubt it. Although your Irish sparing partner may say different?


As hunters we know that life is finite and most of us try and bring that about in the quickest least painful end for the animal. If you transfer that ethic to humans, why should we not be allowed the same privileges that we allow the animals we hunt?



I take it your referring to me tc, lol well are you an animal, no, so why should we apply animal ethics to ours, were humans, so what about it then, would you agree to snapping someone's neck, or stunning them with a gun, then slit their throat an let them bleed to death, I don't think applying animal ethics to humans is the way forward, or even comparing animal life to human life, its silly IMO


Despite what some peoples philosophy tells them, or even being taught to children, our children in the classroom right now, that your just an animal, an your grandpa was an earthworm, I think it's very chilling, an leads to less care an apathy for their fellow human beings, were not animals, although some act like it, I wonder why, lol

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A lot of people feel really strongly about this and would like to see a change in the law but ask any of them what they've actually done to bring about the change. Diddly I'll bet. No point blaming the status quo on politicians, do-gooders and God botherers. You want a change you've got to go and do your bit.

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I take it your referring to me tc, lol well are you an animal, no, so why should we apply animal ethics to ours, were humans, so what about it then, would you agree to snapping someone's neck, or stunning them with a gun, then slit their throat an let them bleed to death, I don't think applying animal ethics to humans is the way forward, or even comparing animal life to human life, its silly IMO


Despite what some peoples philosophy tells them, or even being taught to children, our children in the classroom right now, that your just an animal, an your grandpa was an earthworm, I think it's very chilling, an leads to less care an apathy for their fellow human beings, were not animals, although some act like it, I wonder why, lol



Obviously we'll disagree on the semantics, mate, but should consenting adults be allowed to make their own choices? Or should the government continue to do what they they think is right for them?


A lot of people feel really strongly about this and would like to see a change in the law but ask any of them what they've actually done to bring about the change. Diddly I'll bet. No point blaming the status quo on politicians, do-gooders and God botherers. You want a change you've got to go and do your bit.


It's something that most wouldn't want to touch, on the current playing field. Those that agree wouldn't want to risk their political careers by sticking their heads up, above the trench.


Like with a lot of things in the last half a century. Time will dictate how this one plays out.

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I take it your referring to me tc, lol well are you an animal, no, so why should we apply animal ethics to ours, were humans, so what about it then, would you agree to snapping someone's neck, or stunning them with a gun, then slit their throat an let them bleed to death, I don't think applying animal ethics to humans is the way forward, or even comparing animal life to human life, its silly IMO


Despite what some peoples philosophy tells them, or even being taught to children, our children in the classroom right now, that your just an animal, an your grandpa was an earthworm, I think it's very chilling, an leads to less care an apathy for their fellow human beings, were not animals, although some act like it, I wonder why, lol


Obviously we'll disagree on the semantics, mate, but should consenting adults be allowed to make their own choices? Or should the government continue to do what they they think is right for them?

A lot of people feel really strongly about this and would like to see a change in the law but ask any of them what they've actually done to bring about the change. Diddly I'll bet. No point blaming the status quo on politicians, do-gooders and God botherers. You want a change you've got to go and do your bit.

It's something that most wouldn't want to touch, on the current playing field. Those that agree wouldn't want to risk their political careers by sticking their heads up, above the trench.


Like with a lot of things in the last half a century. Time will dictate how this one plays out.

Like I've already said, politicians run a mile from this sort of issue but they can't ignore the majority if it's outspoken enough. You're right that almost all on here would agree to a greater or lesser extent with assisted dying and/or suicide. Almost everyone I know does. And it's so emotive because it is an issue that could affect any one of us directly at any time. If everyone who agreed made their elected member aware of their feelings on this issue, I think that we'd get to where we're inevitably heading anyway a whole lot quicker, and a lot less people will suffer as a result.
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Alot of people feel strongly on the other side as well pesky, in not having a dig at anyone but, I think assisted suicide is a big slap in the face to people born really sick, go to a children's hospital an see all the wee sick children, brave as f**k, an trying there best to fight of the sickness, should we just put them to sleep as well?


My mother is in a wheelchair the last twenty years, here body riddeled in dicease serious dicease, M's, brittle bone, osterprosis, coliac, skin thinner than paper, cyrosis of the liver from taking over hundred tabs a day for last twenty years, body shutting down, feck she even beat cancer a year or two ago, we don't know how but she did, she has a lot more bit you see what I'm saying, , on her deathbed three times an pulled threw over the years, but she still came out to my house at weekends, still take her up the town, she seen my sister wed two years ago, an is seeing her grandchildren growing, an I don't even think she had that thought in her head about killing herself, I asked was she fed up with it all an she said yeah, she's ready to go, just not her time yet, she would have seen nothilg if she had decided to die threw assisted suicide, not everyone feels the same,

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Alot of people feel strongly on the other side as well pesky, in not having a dig at anyone but, I think assisted suicide is a big slap in the face to people born really sick, go to a children's hospital an see all the wee sick children, brave as f**k, an trying there best to fight of the sickness, should we just put them to sleep as well?


My mother is in a wheelchair the last twenty years, here body riddeled in dicease serious dicease, M's, brittle bone, osterprosis, coliac, skin thinner than paper, cyrosis of the liver from taking over hundred tabs a day for last twenty years, body shutting down, feck she even beat cancer a year or two ago, we don't know how but she did, she has a lot more bit you see what I'm saying, , on her deathbed three times an pulled threw over the years, but she still came out to my house at weekends, still take her up the town, she seen my sister wed two years ago, an is seeing her grandchildren growing, an I don't even think she had that thought in her head about killing herself, I asked was she fed up with it all an she said yeah, she's ready to go, just not her time yet, she would have seen nothilg if she had decided to die threw assisted suicide, not everyone feels the same,


I couldn't agree more but we're not talking about euthanizing the sick, we're talking about consenting adults being afforded the legal right to die. Two radically different proposals.


If someone wants to battle to the end it should be applauded. They should be offered all at our disposal to make them as comfortable as possible but why can we not extend the same courtesy to those that want to check out?

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I agree as well the gov shouldn't have the power, for not just this for other matters as well, as nan said, there's loads of ways to kill yourself if you really wanted, I don't agree with it, but its not the govs decison either.

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Alot of people feel strongly on the other side as well pesky, in not having a dig at anyone but, I think assisted suicide is a big slap in the face to people born really sick, go to a children's hospital an see all the wee sick children, brave as f**k, an trying there best to fight of the sickness, should we just put them to sleep as well?


My mother is in a wheelchair the last twenty years, here body riddeled in dicease serious dicease, M's, brittle bone, osterprosis, coliac, skin thinner than paper, cyrosis of the liver from taking over hundred tabs a day for last twenty years, body shutting down, feck she even beat cancer a year or two ago, we don't know how but she did, she has a lot more bit you see what I'm saying, , on her deathbed three times an pulled threw over the years, but she still came out to my house at weekends, still take her up the town, she seen my sister wed two years ago, an is seeing her grandchildren growing, an I don't even think she had that thought in her head about killing herself, I asked was she fed up with it all an she said yeah, she's ready to go, just not her time yet, she would have seen nothilg if she had decided to die threw assisted suicide, not everyone feels the same,

I 100% agree with you there Francie. If they feel the time is not right and they still feel a quality of life then the time is not right for them. But what about the people who have passed that stage where each day is intolerable to them, do they not deserve a say in their destiny?


TC .

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Like I said..., it is complicated, but it needs addressed and hopefully Falconer's bill will bring about the right debate and bring some clarity. I take your points Francie but what if your ma was this lady with MND. What would you do?

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