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Your Thoughts Please. Dignitas.

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Alot of people feel strongly on the other side as well pesky, in not having a dig at anyone but, I think assisted suicide is a big slap in the face to people born really sick, go to a children's hospital an see all the wee sick children, brave as f**k, an trying there best to fight of the sickness, should we just put them to sleep as well?


My mother is in a wheelchair the last twenty years, here body riddeled in dicease serious dicease, M's, brittle bone, osterprosis, coliac, skin thinner than paper, cyrosis of the liver from taking over hundred tabs a day for last twenty years, body shutting down, feck she even beat cancer a year or two ago, we don't know how but she did, she has a lot more bit you see what I'm saying, , on her deathbed three times an pulled threw over the years, but she still came out to my house at weekends, still take her up the town, she seen my sister wed two years ago, an is seeing her grandchildren growing, an I don't even think she had that thought in her head about killing herself, I asked was she fed up with it all an she said yeah, she's ready to go, just not her time yet, she would have seen nothilg if she had decided to die threw assisted suicide, not everyone feels the same,

I 100% agree with you there Francie. If they feel the time is not right and they still feel a quality of life then the time is not right for them. But what about the people who have passed that stage where each day is intolerable to them, do they not deserve a say in their destiny?


TC .

I feel for these people who want to end it, its very sad for them, I don't know mate, my Mum is in very sick, she's barely their now, she wants to go, she told me, she's ready, she's just waiting, its a hard one, she's only parent I had, an its hard to she her like this, I don't know how she hacks the pain, its a real tough one, an I can see were people are coming from, who want to end it,

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I think its f***ing criminal that people have to slink off to a shabby hotel room in a foreign country to die at a time of their choosing. There are people in the UK who have to live in such conditio

Every right minded person would agree with what she wanted to do. But what has made me really mad is that people who do not know what she is going through are willing to stop her. For no other reason

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Like I said..., it is complicated, but it needs addressed and hopefully Falconer's bill will bring about the right debate and bring some clarity. I take your points Francie but what if your ma was this lady with MND. What would you do?

Honestly mate, I can't say cause it hasn't happened, I don't know.

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Like I said..., it is complicated, but it needs addressed and hopefully Falconer's bill will bring about the right debate and bring some clarity. I take your points Francie but what if your ma was this lady with MND. What would you do?

Honestly mate, I can't say cause it hasn't happened, I don't know.


I admire your honesty Francie, I have run out of likes so have this instead. :thumbs:



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Hard one this, i think life is a gift, no matter where it came from? But an adult facing a nasty end, but still in their right mind, should have the right to decide when to end it imo, but as said, its complicated, always some nut job wanting to get rid of a relative, specially if moneys involved


Weird bunch us humans, some want to kill other people, then others want to keep people alive at all costs, even against the persons wishes, totally f****d up mess.

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FairPlay your mam Francie


Max Respect to her for Battling on when most would have gave up.


Obviously a very Strong Lady.

Thanks Max, yeah she's a fighter, an never once heard her complain. She's the best.

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Tough one indeed, but there's more and more cures being found or made for all different things nowadays. How many would be riddled with guilt if you helped your mums, dads etc etc to jump into gods elevator and a month later a cure was found??? I know I would. When god calls your name it's time to go

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Tough one indeed, but there's more and more cures being found or made for all different things nowadays. How many would be riddled with guilt if you helped your mums, dads etc etc to jump into gods elevator and a month later a cure was found??? I know I would. When god calls your name it's time to go

but if you are past the point of no return a cure isn't going to help besides new cures take years to develop so even if the scientists are onto something you will be long gone before it would be made available to you.

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Tough one indeed, but there's more and more cures being found or made for all different things nowadays. How many would be riddled with guilt if you helped your mums, dads etc etc to jump into gods elevator and a month later a cure was found??? I know I would. When god calls your name it's time to go

but if you are past the point of no return a cure isn't going to help besides new cures take years to develop so even if the scientists are onto something you will be long gone before it would be made available to you.[/q


There's cures here, but we'll not go down that road.

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Tough one indeed, but there's more and more cures being found or made for all different things nowadays. How many would be riddled with guilt if you helped your mums, dads etc etc to jump into gods elevator and a month later a cure was found??? I know I would. When god calls your name it's time to go

but if you are past the point of no return a cure isn't going to help besides new cures take years to develop so even if the scientists are onto something you will be long gone before it would be made available to you.[/q


There's cures here, but we'll not go down that road.


im the biggest fan of that kind of cure francie I've read a lot on the American forum's about it but im still not 100% convinced on just how successful it can be but as you said that's a whole different thread.,

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Are we not talking about adult people looking to take their life if their sick, its the same Chris, were would you draw the line at eligibility, who would have the say on that? The gov


I don't think it's anyone other than the individual's choice as to whether that is the choice. If someone wishes to check out then I don't see why it should be anyone's call other than theirs.


Eligibility? Again we're talking about assisted suicide, not euthanasia. If I wanted to check out and wanted someone to help I really don't think it profits anyone from punishing them twice. I disagree that it's the same thing. We're not making a choice for someone, they're making that choice and asking for help along the way. I don't have an issue with that.


On a personal note, once again sorry to hear about your mam. Best wishes from the Mojave. :thumbs:

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Francis you have my best wishes for your mother, it's sad that people have Togo through this stuff. Icahn understand how committed Christians like yourself can be torn between your beliefs and your emotions


We watched my grandmother fade Way with cancer, absolutely horrendous, and other family members, and after Anna's passing my mother said to me, if I ever get like that will you help me to go? I told her I would, and I meant it. If she or anybody else I know should ever be in the situation where they are really suffering and have had enough, then I will help them if they want me to.


I think a lot of the antis would see things very differently if they were caring for a dying relative who really wanted to be released from their suffering

Edited by beast
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Are we not talking about adult people looking to take their life if their sick, its the same Chris, were would you draw the line at eligibility, who would have the say on that? The gov

I don't think it's anyone other than the individual's choice as to whether that is the choice. If someone wishes to check out then I don't see why it should be anyone's call other than theirs.


Eligibility? Again we're talking about assisted suicide, not euthanasia. If I wanted to check out and wanted someone to help I really don't think it profits anyone from punishing them twice. I disagree that it's the same thing. We're not making a choice for someone, they're making that choice and asking for help along the way. I don't have an issue with that.


On a personal note, once again sorry to hear about your mam. Best wishes from the Mojave. :thumbs:

Thanks Chris an same to you, but I think it's the same, only someone's helping, its a very difficult situation, an everyone's feelings are different I respect that, but don't agree,

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Francis you have my best wishes for your mother, it's sad that people have Togo through this stuff. Icahn understand how committed Christians like yourself can be torn between your beliefs and your emotions


We watched my grandmother fade Way with cancer, absolutely horrendous, and other family members, and after Anna's passing my mother said to me, if I ever get like that will you help me to go? I told her I would, and I meant it. If she or anybody else I know should ever be in the situation where they are really suffering and have had enough, then I will help them if they want me to.


I think a lot of the antis would see things very differently if they were caring for a dying relative who really wanted to be released from their suffering

Thanks for sharing mate, an atb to you as well pal.


I'm not torn between anything mate, tbh its made me stronger, an more humble, respectful, an a better man, its hard to describe, but when I look at my mum, an the hand she's dealt, an never heard her moan or complain, it changed me, if you know what I mean mate.

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