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Wits End !!!!

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Park round the corner and dont talk lol good luck

cold hose pipe

mine was doing the same barking all hours,i left him out in greyhound kennels a score a week.yer man came fed n waterd them then went home,he must have got fed up barking with nobody going near him,go

if a dogs crying its for a reason ,hes a young dog ready for this season coming and full of beans ,your going to have to put a bit more work in and change your 1 hour to 3 hour mate ,then at the night time walk as many hours possible just till the season starts ,you will then be to push your dog that little harder and that should sort him out ,1 dog I seen that cryed all day in the kennel at a friends house, when put in the field was one of the best dogs I seen run atb bobza

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I have a similar problem with one of mine & to be honest sometimes the fitter you get them you are not tiring them out but rather creating a more athletic version of a noisy animal. Maturity & a hard days work on a cold winters day can settle many a problem dog, but it can be exhausting having such an animal. Hopefully it will settle given time & patience but dogs are often as individual as people so i wish you luck. However on the point of punishing such behavior beware of creating a rift between you both, i know a man who used to come flying out his backdoor at noise from his dogs. Shouting, throwing whatever was at hand or soaking them with the hose & then he would complain that they didnt want to come out the kennel when he decided to take them a walk!!!! This rather obvious point totally eluded him & still does to this day. Good luck :thumbs:

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I think you have all said things I have already thought or tried I treat my dogs like my kids ( wife will often say there children not bloody dogs ) firm but fare but this bitch is or has been hard work . Think something is sinking in then next day back to square one so having to change my ways but at times I have been so wound up its unbelievable !!! But something you just put down to being a youngster ie the other morning took her out for walk before work she runs to about 40m from me I call her she turns looked straight at me and then gone off across about 5 fields for about half hour !!! Now I'm sieving and hoping she gets run over or shot but it's only because I'm worried and when she came back all wagging her tail happy as punch I kneel down call her in praise her put her on lead and off to work late and pissed off I go lol lol something you can't odds but the whining ahhhhh

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I use the hose as well but, just in case anybody's getting the wrong idea about the above recommendations for using a hose, it's not the actual dose of cold water which stops them.


I have a hose permanently rigged up down the length of my garden to the run at the bottom with two of my kelpies in as the youngest (now seventeen months) went through a bad barking stage. In all this time though I think he's only had one occasion when he has been sprayed...and that was the very first time. I can't see many dogs being stupid enough to stand in the spot where a jet of water will hit when they decide to bark. In my experience, it's the sudden noise and action of the hose erupting into life which stops them in their tracks and halts the barking. I don't know if it's because he thinks, "Ooh, what's that?" and focuses his attention elsewhere or whether it's because he remembers that's what happened when he was told off once but it seems to work. I think initially it was the former but I suspect it's now the latter as he'll now usually stop when he hears the backdoor open without recourse to the hosepipe. His barking early in the morning in order to ask to come out and play has now stopped (touch wood) but I still get the occasional time, usually when there's a litter of rats in the area as they sometimes go under the run, when he'll bark and a single shot now usually does the trick.


Good luck and be consistent. The other alternative is, as Skycat advocated, bring the dog in...some dogs are a problem indoors but fine in a kennel and run while others are a problem outside but fine indoors. I prefer to encourage mine to accept both as you never know when you'll need to alter their routine for a short period.

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That is the probably the most important point in dealing with a situation like this is it preys' on your mind and dog's are liable to pick up on your negative mindset.Years past I would have ruined any relationship between myself and such an animal with being too heavy handed in dealing with it.

Always I advocate putting the dog back in the kennel when having a bad day and coming back when you have a clear mind. However such an animal does need to get out and blow off some steam, so its a catch 22 situation.

What was the most important issue of my own similar situation was that I really liked the dog and to be honest had we not had that bond perhaps this tale would be in retrospect.

I can totally relate to that guilty feeling of expectation or dread of what the day will bring & instead it's rarely as bad as you expected. Perhaps that isn't such a bad thing to be aware of your own failings. Advice is always around but you know your own dog better than anyone else & if it takes thinking outside the box to hopefully sort or at least make the situation more tolerable then you are best suited to do so. Good luck with it and I hope it does work out for you.

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Kick the living shoite out of it Lol.


Over the next 3months I have a load of travelling to do. Mexico for a wedding, few meetings around europe etc and no cnut will look after this cnut :laugh: they just know he's a whining dickhead. So its gonna be either the kennels or shovel ;)

Edited by mushroom
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:laugh: I'm just walking in park cituadella and I let him off the lead... Big fuuckin mistake :laugh: silly cnut just took off like an F14 and disappeared. Found him in the middle of the park playing with another dog... Ignorant, rebellious cnut!
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