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Learning Welsh

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The welsh should be f***ing proud that they care enough about their heritage to fight to keep their language alive.


I sincerely doubt were it the case in modern day England you would see the same thing.

you think so, can`t even get a job picking crap up in the street around here if you can`t speak the lingo, no concern over if you can actually do a job, just siarad cymraig a tyn iawn, that's why we`ve got so many earning big bucks with the local council who`ve barely got enough brain cells to close their fly after having a piss

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Townieiau Twatiau

My boy who is 7 has learned loads of Irish as they have to do it in school, amazing how quick they pick it up.......personally, I do t have a clue what he is on about !! But it's good to hear him do i

Do you know Dai Jones? Aye butt he lives just down the road he does(though just down the road means anything upto 10 miles.) ?Also we always ask things twice...Is that your dog is it butt.



The welsh should be f***ing proud that they care enough about their heritage to fight to keep their language alive.


I sincerely doubt were it the case in modern day England you would see the same thing.

you think so, can`t even get a job picking crap up in the street around here if you can`t speak the lingo, no concern over if you can actually do a job, just siarad cymraig a tyn iawn, that's why we`ve got so many earning big bucks with the local council who`ve barely got enough brain cells to close their fly after having a piss

My girlfriend is doing a child care course. Trying to get a job without being fluent Welsh is really hard. She is going to be enrolling for another night class nxt year to learn Welsh. I'm fluent and both kids are in the Welsh stream even tho we speak English at home so she should be ok.

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Considering none of our neighbours are Welsh, 'er indoors has already picked up some local phrases just by hearing people out and about.


"I'm going to the shops I am"....


"Put it down by there"...


What with those and her already funny Irish phrases, it's English, but not as I know it. :laugh:

They don't understand a word I am saying here......such eloquent English phrases as "f**k me, I'm sweating like Jimmy Saville in a f***ing reform school" or "yeah lovely day, it ain't stopped pissing down" are met with "Pardon?" Lol

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What about picking up the accents? I find that interesting, how some easily do & others never do...........I got speaking to a mancunion couple yesterday, they'd been here 25 & 15 years respectively & both still spoke like they had just left Manchester haha.......their 6 year old boy had been born here, put through the Flemish school system & had the weirdest fcuking accent....haha

My dad's the same, a Yorkshireman that's spent most of his life outside Yorkshire, but still retains a strong accent :-).......but I also know a chap who moved to Wales from Essex & returned a year later with a strong welsh accent!


I only have to spend a few days in the north of England & I feel like I'm slipping into the local accent........it's embarrassing, but I can't help it haha.....

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I personally think it pays to use local phrases when you go to different parts of UK/Ireland, it makes communicating a lot easier......I have loads of pals from the north and Scotland and my wifes from Belfast so unusually for a southerner I will say "Aye" instead of "Yeah"..........I still have to put up with the hideous "Danny Dyer impersonation" accent from my pals taking the piss but I don't mind, at least I can speak properly !! Lol

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In most European schools one has to learn English as the prime foreign language, i.m.h.o. that's a good thing. Look at Scandinavia, The Netherlands, even Germany & France are getting it....


It's good to know a couple of foreign languages, otherwise I could understand f@ck on this forum :D:thumbs:


Would love to learn Gaelic, native to Wales, Scotland & Ireland, isn't it..... :victory: Maybe all of you should start learning Hindi or Urdu ..... :whistling::hmm::tongue2::D:D:D:D

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At least the Welsh have enough guts to tell the incomers to learn the language, in England we supply interpreters for every bloody foreigner so they can claim everything going without even trying.

nah, its the same here, its only the English who have to supply their own translators :boogy:

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Apart from Welsh me and my lad are useless at languages ... My missus and two of my daughters can speak Spanish and one of my daughters speaks Japanese ..........

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About 15 years ago myself and a few friends were in a little welsh shop outside St Davids when the welsh festival was on(and like feck am i trying to spell that in it's welsh name :tongue2: )and as usual when such taffy things are on the locals forget their English tounges and a few were lets say descussing us English and Scottish folk who were in their shop in a not so nice manner.Well we were all living n West Wales and my friends girl had been at school in Wales for a good few years and had learnt Welsh,well the look on those faces when that 10 year old girl told them to stop saying such things about her mum and her friends as she could speak Welsh was unforgettable :laugh: and we got a very humble sorry from them all :thumbs: ,did make me laugh when the locals would choose to forget English but when i ever handed English money over they allways took it .. :hmm::laugh:

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About 15 years ago myself and a few friends were in a little welsh shop outside St Davids when the welsh festival was on(and like feck am i trying to spell that in it's welsh name :tongue2: )and as usual when such taffy things are on the locals forget their English tounges and a few were lets say descussing us English and Scottish folk who were in their shop in a not so nice manner.Well we were all living n West Wales and my friends girl had been at school in Wales for a good few years and had learnt Welsh,well the look on those faces when that 10 year old girl told them to stop saying such things about her mum and her friends as she could speak Welsh was unforgettable :laugh: and we got a very humble sorry from them all :thumbs: ,did make me laugh when the locals would choose to forget English but when i ever handed English money over they allways took it .. :hmm::laugh:

you sure the money`s English, the royal mint is in wales boyo :whistling:

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Apart from Welsh me and my lad are useless at languages ... My missus and two of my daughters can speak Spanish and one of my daughters speaks Japanese ..........

tell you what that daughter of yours has got too be smart if she can speak Japanese there are so many different variations of words that mean the same thing that only make sense in the situation your in then there is different words for friends folk you know parents and strangers or business friends it's a very hard language too learn
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Apart from Welsh me and my lad are useless at languages ... My missus and two of my daughters can speak Spanish and one of my daughters speaks Japanese ..........

tell you what that daughter of yours has got too be smart if she can speak Japanese there are so many different variations of words that mean the same thing that only make sense in the situation your in then there is different words for friends folk you know parents and strangers or business friends it's a very hard language too learn

Mate it's unbelievable .. Apart from what you have mentioned it also depends on your surname as that dictates your standing in the community ... and the alphabet alone is a hell of a challenge ... She did Japanese studies for four years at Oxford and now lives and works out there ... She is currently working towards a masters in Asian business .......

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