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Dashboard Camera.....?

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As long as you don't drive like a c**t they have their uses,all our lorries are fitted with them contained within a sealed locked unit,plenty lads I know been put in the clear when old bill requested footage,can't be a bad thing surely

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we have them in the trucks and there brilliant bits of kit they have saved thousands in insurance claims


yea, their gonna fook up the whiplash game,

The future will be all new cars with built in cameras......................& that may not be too far away

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A growing number cyclists, over here, are starting to install Go Pros on either their helmets or handlebars (motorcyclists too)


A story that made the local news was a woman, commuting to work on her bike, was knocked off by a car driving too close. She has no recollection of the incident but when they took the footage from her Go Pro it was so clear they were able to get the number plate, of the car, and get them for a number of charges.


In an era where everyone is filming everyone else it could be the difference. I'd certainly consider them for insurance purposes alone.

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just wondering is there any law restricting there use lets say could a peado fill his car with them and drive around filming ,or could I get one and follow the lasher on the bike that I see regularly when im out looking for her.

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It's a bad world when everything we do is gona be on CCTV. Who would let complete strangers film them? I for one don't. As much as I hate the shitslamic countries, were ment to be a free nation but where is the freedom on being filmed nigh on 25 hrs a day? The tent peoples of the Middle East have more freedom than us. It's like a big brother nation were living in

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that why I have one in my cruiser it guards against these twats on bikes there a pain in the arse around here riding around in packs and the arrogant twat s think they own the road I do chuckle when out in the dog bus going down the lanes an around the corner comes 30 lycra clad idiots its fun watching them fly over the hedges etc

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Bit late to worry about privacy. Everyone films everyone, and they're being filmed by someone else.


GCHQ reads your texts messages and sends your Mrs naked pictures around the office.


No one voted for this, surely...

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A pal of mine ended up on that Youtube site because of one of them cameras.......he was driving along using his phone and some prat on a pushbike started being a dogooder and filming him.....he was none too polite to him :D .............pointless technology going up its own arse if you ask me.

gnash your mate shouldn't of been on his phone simples.its illegal mate and can cause major accidents you are talking about helmet cams not dashcams but the more eyes on drivers the better cyclists have as much right to the road i don't blame them for protecting themself what they come up against


cyclists will have rights when they pay road tax,insurance.mot.




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A pal of mine ended up on that Youtube site because of one of them cameras.......he was driving along using his phone and some prat on a pushbike started being a dogooder and filming him.....he was none too polite to him :D .............pointless technology going up its own arse if you ask me.

gnash your mate shouldn't of been on his phone simples.its illegal mate and can cause major accidents you are talking about helmet cams not dashcams but the more eyes on drivers the better cyclists have as much right to the road i don't blame them for protecting themself what they come up against


Im not saying he was right Pete he wasnt but having some dogooder ranting at you is often going to cause more trouble than the crime itself......he was on his way to part exchange his daughters little Micra,getting caught on film driving that was more damaging than anything else :D.....must admit cyclists do my head in i cant stand them buzzing around busy roads going through red lights etc......pot and kettle if you ask me.

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A pal of mine ended up on that Youtube site because of one of them cameras.......he was driving along using his phone and some prat on a pushbike started being a dogooder and filming him.....he was none too polite to him :D .............pointless technology going up its own arse if you ask me.


gnash your mate shouldn't of been on his phone simples.its illegal mate and can cause major accidents you are talking about helmet cams not dashcams but the more eyes on drivers the better cyclists have as much right to the road i don't blame them for protecting themself what they come up against

Im not saying he was right Pete he wasnt but having some dogooder ranting at you is often going to cause more trouble than the crime itself......he was on his way to part exchange his daughters little Micra,getting caught on film driving that was more damaging than anything else :D.....must admit cyclists do my head in i cant stand them buzzing around busy roads going through red lights etc......pot and kettle if you ask me.

well i can't comment on an incident obviously but cyclists do get abuse when they're just getting around like everybody else I'm sure theirs some cocks but that can apply to anything but if your mate broke the law his in the wrong mate

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A pal of mine ended up on that Youtube site because of one of them cameras.......he was driving along using his phone and some prat on a pushbike started being a dogooder and filming him.....he was none too polite to him :D .............pointless technology going up its own arse if you ask me.

gnash your mate shouldn't of been on his phone simples.its illegal mate and can cause major accidents you are talking about helmet cams not dashcams but the more eyes on drivers the better cyclists have as much right to the road i don't blame them for protecting themself what they come up against

Im not saying he was right Pete he wasnt but having some dogooder ranting at you is often going to cause more trouble than the crime itself......he was on his way to part exchange his daughters little Micra,getting caught on film driving that was more damaging than anything else :D.....must admit cyclists do my head in i cant stand them buzzing around busy roads going through red lights etc......pot and kettle if you ask me.

well i can't comment on an incident obviously but cyclists do get abuse when they're just getting around like everybody else I'm sure theirs some cocks but that can apply to anything but if your mate broke the law his in the wrong mate


Im not saying he wasnt in the wrong. ....it just tickled me some proper toffee nosed little prick giving it the biggun then running home and making a full blown movie out of a routine bif of swearing !....im going to see if its still on there :D


Bearing in mind he was a decent little fighter back years ago im not sure who makes a bigger prat of themself :laugh: ...........whats the verdict then Pete ...." Lets look at that again "



Edited by gnasher16
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that why I have one in my cruiser it guards against these twats on bikes there a pain in the arse around here riding around in packs and the arrogant twat s think they own the road I do chuckle when out in the dog bus going down the lanes an around the corner comes 30 lycra clad idiots its fun watching them fly over the hedges etc



Aye right ! whatever ! lol,

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aye i see what you mean gnash big fuss over nowt it's different when a cyclist gets stick but he went looking for it i like the go on then before riding off into the sunset lol i couldn't ride those roads me i don't mind driving them but I'll stick with me lanes on the bike

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