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Pine Martin In England.

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Brilliant news, unless you keep fowl.

I hope ye over there don't end up with the idiots we have here releasing several at a time where they're not welcome.

We even have them in towns now and they are very hard to keep out.

If they ever get a foot hold over there it will be like the otter problem you now have, only land based.

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There was a stall at the 2014 Welsh game fair promoting their release in mid Wales. I spoke to them at length and apparently they cannot catch the red squirrels as they are too heavy, the red are light and able to get out further on the branches than grey squirrels. The Martens are too heavy to follow them.



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Bonny things but destructive, its a good thing if the food chain can support them, every one seems to want to introduce predators, but in Cumbria the rabbit population is up and down like a brides nighty,the food chain bottom is fickle to say the least,and some of there lost species should be introduced first,to at least give things a chance,when one or another species takes a dive through disease, ie mixy, buzzards are every where, otters are doubling in numbers it seems like every year, badgers are eating out the ground nesting birds, digging up the bumble bees, and young rabbits, I know they are native and believe me, I would rather see them than Mink,it makes you wonder how they will fair,there are on the other hand, what seems like masses, of new tree plantations going in, in different places which will only benefit them,

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