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How Do You Choose Your Pup

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I tend to pick a good colour eg. Mearle or solid "blue", failing that I always make sure it's double Reece bred with a stupidly big head or I go for whatshisname x thingmebob or one where you get a f

Imo . Most pups pick you . When the pups making a fuss of you . You then start looking at all is good points . You end up doing it unconsiously .

Temperament, Temperament,..Temperament...

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I've bred these pup so know all about sire an dam both good ferreting an bushing dogs both confident an good feet I think it's a case of spoilt for choice every time I go towards one the other takes my eye think I'll have to get an hour with on then the other see witch one takes to me an vice versa

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No question about about the parents working abilitys, thought you would of picked one by now Mate

Just cant seem to pick between the two bud I've never had this before when I've looked at a litter before ones always stood out our I've just took a liking to one I've homed the one I don't keep am iam hoping to keep tabs on most if I can see if they turn out as good as parents only time will tell dave I'll send you couple of pics see what you think

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I tend to pick a good colour eg. Mearle or solid "blue", failing that I always make sure it's double Reece bred with a stupidly big head or I go for whatshisname x thingmebob or one where you get a free dvd of its half litter grand sire catching a summer hare..... Only the best for me!


P.s. Anything bred from "the so and so dog" will be in my kennels.

Edited by mattyg
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No question about about the parents working abilitys, thought you would of picked one by now Mate

Just cant seem to pick between the two bud I've never had this before when I've looked at a litter before ones always stood out our I've just took a liking to one I've homed the one I don't keep am iam hoping to keep tabs on most if I can see if they turn out as good as parents only time will tell dave I'll send you couple of pics see what you think
yeah nice one, I like the one with the white socks
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Oh!if you bred the litter , and they are level sizes etc go on the one you take a shine to , theres usually one that goes to sleep on your feet or has that bit of something in their character .

if theres 2 out the litter that you fancy

let someone else pick

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No question about about the parents working abilitys, thought you would of picked one by now Mate

Just cant seem to pick between the two bud I've never had this before when I've looked at a litter before ones always stood out our I've just took a liking to one I've homed the one I don't keep am iam hoping to keep tabs on most if I can see if they turn out as good as parents only time will tell dave I'll send you couple of pics see what you think
yeah nice one, I like the one with the white socks

Yea there all nice strong forward pups all similar size to not really a runt in the litter the one with the white are males bud so out of question keeping that one but I know what you mean dave they are eye catching

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If you can't split them by testing their confidence or alertness and one hasn't particularly chosen you and your gut isn't telling you I would let someone else choose one and just take the other one. When I drove 2000km to pick up my saluki x staghound and both were beautiful pups with good feet but extremely timid to the point where I could not tell anything about their personality (flecking nightmare) I just went with my gut. I still don't know if I made the right choice or not.... Good luck with it and I hope it all works out for you.

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If you can't split them by testing their confidence or alertness and one hasn't particularly chosen you and your gut isn't telling you I would let someone else choose one and just take the other one. When I drove 2000km to pick up my saluki x staghound and both were beautiful pups with good feet but extremely timid to the point where I could not tell anything about their personality (flecking nightmare) I just went with my gut. I still don't know if I made the right choice or not.... Good luck with it and I hope it all works out for you.

that's true getting them on there own, that's a real test, as they aint got there litter mates or there mom to support them . never bred lurchers, but bred bull breeds, what we did was get each pup out on its own for the new owner to look at. and you will be really amazed how they act on there own :yes: , you deff tell the bold from the wimps temps . deff what do if I wanted to pick a pup in the future :yes:

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What's the thing you look for when going to pick a pup from litter I am wondering because some say they like the runt some like a confident pup the reason I ask is I've got a litter here an I can't make my mind up of the two bitches ones more forward in the things it's doing an the other is more laid back nothing seems to bother her an takes no crap when playing opinions please

Id not look at a litter unless i knew how the parents grafted,impossible most of the time and you then need to rely on the breeders honesty,as most breeders are often economical with the truth it can be a minefield to navigate.The price of the pup is often an indicator of how honest the owner is,again not always.I look for the inquisitive and responsive un,id never take on the shivery runt or better looking less responsive one.It pays to ask about the lineage and what pup as thrown to a good un in the line,a bitch pup with two white front paws may be the one that as thrown to an illustrious grandmother etc.

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If you can't split them by testing their confidence or alertness and one hasn't particularly chosen you and your gut isn't telling you I would let someone else choose one and just take the other one. When I drove 2000km to pick up my saluki x staghound and both were beautiful pups with good feet but extremely timid to the point where I could not tell anything about their personality (flecking nightmare) I just went with my gut. I still don't know if I made the right choice or not.... Good luck with it and I hope it all works out for you.

If id have travelled that far to see timid un-reponsive pups id have made the return journey without one,a few minutes before i tore a strip of the breeder.There is a good chance the pup will flourish under different conditions and hopefully that was the outcome,id not take the chance.Over here we possibly have a better choice and can be less discerning with our choices,litter A is bollocks so we visit litter B or C,2,oookm,to see a litter like that,id be steaming to drive tuther side of town for that opportunity.

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