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Snp To Consider Tightening Laws On Fox Hunting

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I go of what the Qran says not what some Mullah says I follow islam not some diluted or warped interpretation, There are some that are Muslim in name only like ISIS and there are some that are Momin {Faithfull} to islam. How it got to islam and Halal I dont Know but its the last day of Rahmadan for me today so off to the Mosque to wind the Mullah up then the local jewish population and burn a few American flags just a normal Friday while its not coursing season :laugh:



LOL, okay, good to know the resident Muslim at work will be bringing in cake on Monday then.


Not being a religious person I believe all texts are open to interpretation, including religious texts. So when one follower says this is right and another says different, I see that as the subjective interpretation of the written word, not as one is right and another wrong. So when you say that 80% of British labelled Halal meat isn't actually Halal, well it doesn't really make any difference, it's still labelled Halal and recognised as such by a significant proportion of people that identify as Muslim.

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When it comes to animals, we would do better to be more concerned over the manner of it's life rather than the manner of it's death ;/

Religion has no place in modern society, if you chose to believe in pretend made up magic wizards in the sky then that's fine but don't push your rubbish onto the rest of us, don't have special laws,

I'd like to know the SNP's views on Halal slaughter.....

Land Reform, is what is on the SNP agenda...

Game Estates,Absentee Landlords , etc ..They have taken the Labour Vote ,and want to Keep IT !

So throw a bone to the plebs ...go after the '' Rich '' and if they happen to be seen as English Toffs with our land all the better ..

One Party States always go after '' Hunting '' disarm any of the populace that might decide to disagree..

Already started with Airgun leglislation...OUR hunting bodies ,Sacs ,Working Terrier clubs,should be encouraging folk to join S.N.P. and change their Direction from WHITHIN...

Every change on Hunting across the Board of Bodies ,be it National Trust etc, has came from anti hunting activist joining these bodies and getting votes through from WITHIN..just saying ;)

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I have a brilliant sense of humour its you bigots that dont isnt it Wilf :laugh:

Ayatollah, you alway keep me amused mate........your a f***ing crank but then again, ain't we all ;)

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The snap are so out of touch it's unbelievable there going to kill off hunting in Scotland with this and licensing air gun but they will bring Scotland to its knees with the tax on estates. Don't they reliize how much money sport brings to our country and quite often while menare hunting there partners are spending there cash shopping etc

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The snap are so out of touch it's unbelievable there going to kill off hunting in Scotland with this and licensing air gun but they will bring Scotland to its knees with the tax on estates. Don't they reliize how much money sport brings to our country and quite often while menare hunting there partners are spending there cash shopping etc

But don't forget the hunting lot will be replaced with the tree huggers... Sales of pot noodles will be through the roof! :lol:

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If I voted snp, I'd be straight to my mp office with plaque card in hand voicing my discus tat the serpent who is head of the ranks. What a 2 faced uturn she done and for those into country sports, shooting, hunting, fishing etc, shame on you more for doing nothing

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FREEDOM!!! (Unless you are a hunting man)


Said it before the euphoria after the last election would be short lived. I never understood why the SNP (as endorsed by Brian May) were so happy. They had won practically every seat in Scotland, they have nowhere left to go except down. Four years of disappointment and being let down the Scottish people will eventually see them for what they are a bunch of wannabes and come next election they will struggle to get half the seats they have now.


And that will be the end of their party as a real contender. They will never achieve the heights again. Finished.


As I say if I was a SNP supporter they last thing I would have been doing is cheering.

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Snp supporters are as hard to find as the loch ness monster at the minute.

Do you think the proverbial penny has finally dropped?.


not by going on the 2016 polls


What?, someones found Nessie?.

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