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aussie catttle dog

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how much is not cheap. i like the look of these dogs. do they make ok pets are they good with other dogs. just asking read up on them just wanting some first hand knowledge of people. cheers david

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Guest oldskool

i watched that 'breed all about it' crap that used to be on sky telly for a while... there was an episode about the cattle dogs and it showed them at work.... they backed down to nothing and liked to use the teeth alot and it even showed them sprintin over the sheeps' backs in a bid to single one out... they had alot of go about them... i remember thinkin they would definatley be a handful in the wrong hands although in the right hands they would be awsome...

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was thinking about getting one or a kelpie but thinking they might be a bit of a handful for me. im only an amature when it come to dogs.

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how much is not cheap. i like the look of these dogs. do they make ok pets are they good with other dogs. just asking read up on them just wanting some first hand knowledge of people. cheers david

They dont make ideal pets no, I have spoken to several owners as this is a dog I am particularly interested in. They tolerate bitches but rarely males, I was told if they cant dominate another dog, they kill it!

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how much is not cheap. i like the look of these dogs. do they make ok pets are they good with other dogs. just asking read up on them just wanting some first hand knowledge of people. cheers david

They dont make ideal pets no, I have spoken to several owners as this is a dog I am particularly interested in. They tolerate bitches but rarely males, I was told if they cant dominate another dog, they kill it!

excuse my french dawn :laugh::laugh: ..but that sounds like a right load of shity drivvel ....surlely if the dogs brought up in the correct manner it wouldnt be so dominant ....down to the owners if you ask me ....chalky may be able to shed some light on there temprement ....as they say exspeariance is the key to knowledge ..not what you have heard ... :thumbs:
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I exercise my lurcher with at least 6 cattle dogs every day...that shows you how intolerant they are. Nearly every bugger has one round here. The person who wrote that they kill dogs they can't dominate is probably the same bloke who wrote that English Bull Terriers are fighting dogs :whistling:


When you do get a nasty one though, they are little buggers :icon_eek:

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