RossM 8,149 Posted July 17, 2015 Report Share Posted July 17, 2015 Border lad what currency would the SNP use if they ever got their independence? The poond......... 1 Quote Link to post
cocker 2,655 Posted July 17, 2015 Report Share Posted July 17, 2015 march for repeal of hunting act Quote Link to post
shepp 2,285 Posted July 17, 2015 Report Share Posted July 17, 2015 What have the SNP so far done for Scotland? All I've seen is a load of chest thumping nationalist rhetoric. It actually looks a bit daft to everybody outside Scotland and once the euphoria wears off I think the Scottish will realised how silly they look. I am a nationalist and very proud of my heritage of my clan my country, when you have lived in a gold fish bowl like many of you fellas across the border, one of the Largest cosmopolitan group of people, We do not need a government 400 miles away, deciding what is best for the people of Scotland, they have squandered, the wealth, of the north sea, they are in worse Debt now then back in the 60s trying to be a world force, which you are not, they want, to spend 100 billion on defunct, Nuclear weapons, that can never be used, now they have brought a new law about going out on strike, every were England has ruled they have left a country in Turmoil, from Nigeria, to South Africa, Rhodesia, India, they solved nothing only raped and pillaged there goods, Take Ireland, the Irish people have not changed, only Whitehall has changed, there attitude, England and America, used Ireland, as a training school, the Aussies want nothing to do with you, they call you the whinging Poms, Take a look at what Scotland has given to the world, (((( not robbed or cheated, if we decide to swing out of the trees that is our decision, ((( but that will never happen, we have in abundance, Oil, Gas, wind power energy, Natural clean clear spring Water, Medical science, fore runners on new medicines, electronic engineers, mechanical engineers, University's, that are = to any were in the world, and 56 MPs elected by the people of Scotland to state there case extremely well, even the youngest MP she is only 20, I only wrote this for the insults,from some Ignorant, Members who know nothing about our country, the hunting ban is what it is and it will never be repealed, I can accept it, because we do not have any other choice, the Labour Party passed the bill, not the SNP, Did you watch the programme earlier in the week on BBC? Britains Forgotten Slave Owners, it turns out as a proportion of the population, there were more slave owners in Scotland than any other part of the UK. How does that fit in to your 'Scottish victim' rhetoric ? Quote Link to post
stop.end 4,082 Posted July 17, 2015 Report Share Posted July 17, 2015 as a snp voter, this was painfull.. lol...did they use that pic for propaganda? to me its a vixen checking her cub for mites or ticks... which is what all pack species will do... they must have by accidently deleted the pics on the poultry farm were said mother 2 hrs earlier was in wrecking havoc in the coop killed 34 took 3 heads! Quote Link to post
cocker 2,655 Posted July 17, 2015 Report Share Posted July 17, 2015 March for the repeal of the hunting actClosed Group9,116 members Quote Link to post
border lad 1,047 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 Border lad what currency would the SNP use if they ever got their independence? some seriously bitter folk about, sad reallyYes there is some very serious people, with manners , why don't you read the first two pages of this post No Insults have come from my direction only facts, I have met some great fellas from South of the border, extremely, keen hunters and dog men, My views are shared by over a million other people who live in Scotland, and may I quote from Jeffrey Archer, who stated, its not the people who does the voting its the people who Does the COUNTING, and that is what happened in the Referendum, subject closed, O er a million may think like you but thankfully another 2 million didn't. As Jeffrey Archer stated its not the people who do the voting its the people who does the COUNTING,, Quote Link to post
border lad 1,047 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 whats wrong with the Scottish Pound???? Has Scotland not put Billions, into the sterling, from 300Years, I know the London Taxi drivers don't like it, when I told him straight, take it and call the police to see if its forged, he took my two twenty £ Scottish notes, and gave me the correct change in English £s, Quote Link to post
cocker 2,655 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 March for the repeal of the hunting actClosed Group9,116 members Quote Link to post
johnny boy68 11,726 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 Border lad what currency would the SNP use if they ever got their independence? some seriously bitter folk about, sad reallyYes there is some very serious people, with manners , why don't you read the first two pages of this post No Insults have come from my direction only facts, I have met some great fellas from South of the border, extremely, keen hunters and dog men, My views are shared by over a million other people who live in Scotland, and may I quote from Jeffrey Archer, who stated, its not the people who does the voting its the people who Does the COUNTING, and that is what happened in the Referendum, subject closed,O er a million may think like you but thankfully another 2 million didn't.As Jeffrey Archer stated its not the people who do the voting its the people who does the COUNTING,,So what are you saying, the vote was rigged? Quote Link to post
Joe1888 672 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 i keep getting itchy fingers when viewing these threads Quote Link to post
nothernlite 18,089 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 On you go Joe it's boring give us a laugh 1 Quote Link to post
border lad 1,047 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 Get used to it The hunting Ban will never be Repealed, that is facts, next five years Scotland will go its own way,do not cry rejoice, you got rid of the Subsidy Junkie's,I only hope I am here when they do, Goodbye to our Imperial Masters, Quote Link to post
nothernlite 18,089 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 Well I personally hope it doesn't think the tax will go up to pay the amount of spongers we have in our country jmo don't know enough about it but don't trust any of them Quote Link to post
mackay 3,426 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 Two things at the top of the snp agenda was all I had to see, 1, more immigrants. 2, increase the welfare state. We've got people up here who have never worked a day in their lives telling the working man that they should be ashamed of themselves for rejecting independence, I kid you not. The biggest supporters of independence were the benefit junkies and students. 1 Quote Link to post
Joe1888 672 Posted July 18, 2015 Report Share Posted July 18, 2015 poor old scotland, only subsidised the uk 27billion over 30 years Quote Link to post
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