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Cwiss Pecan Is At Again

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What a cock head, funny he's on straight after Brian the tb riddled badger May, makes a complete Kunt of himself. What do these antis aim to achieve? For if not for the land and wildlife management of our past ancestors, then Britain and Ireland wouldn't be as beautiful as they are. Funny how hunters haven't got the credit that's due to them same as fishermen too. For most hunters and anglers are conservationists at heart, who understand land management. Take for instance the rspb they fill the sky with raptors then when song bird populations collapse they blame farmers, not the bops that eat them, same for badgers spread tb , protected by antis again now that they're causing mayhem they blame farmers too. Who need help. Sad that these antis want the credit for a land that was sustained by people who understand land and wild life management. Anybody notice from these anti organisations have tried to take over, just how unstable and unbalanced gbs countryside has become???

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Dear Tit Head,


One obvious point. . . . if its so wonderful (which it is) and has been so for 500 years (which it has). . . . . . . then hunting foxes obviously hasn't changed that . . . . . for ummmm 500 years. SO seemingly going back to hunting them, isn't going to make it any less wonderful?


You sir are a tit. And you don't understand the difference between 'conservation' and 'preservation' (the first means its ok to kill things, the second doesn't and is for morons).


Now kindly go and play with traffic.


Your sincerely,



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He started off well chatting about trees,then i thought it was about the europe in/our referendum when he mentioned the armada,then he began chatting about foxes and lost me :blink: fcuk big tv production costs,who needs them when you have an I-phone and a selfie-stick :laugh:

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He started off well chatting about trees,then i thought it was about the europe in/our referendum when he mentioned the armada,then he began chatting about foxes and lost me :blink: fcuk big tv production costs,who needs them when you have an I-phone and a selfie-stick :laugh:

I know what you mean it's like he suddenly become possessed :laugh: ...by who though? Answers on a postcard please!

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strange that such a lovey of the RSPB is against the control of fox numbers, when they themselves proved splendidly at Geltsdale that predator control is a must if wild life is to survive and thrive. They have even started shooting them on their reserves to benefit ground nesting birds. They have also installed badger fencing around key areas at massive expense, but I bet a pound to a pinch of sh#t, that if it were legal, they would have had the lead injection too

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