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My filter is (on paper) big enough to deal with my pond. Trouble is I'm having to clean it out twice a week as it's getting bunged up. Is this normal? If I leave it longer, the flow through to the chamber with the pump in it gets so slow, I'm worried it will burn the pump out if the water level drops and further.


The brushes in particular are getting full of green weedlike threads. Is this weed or shit? If it's weed, is there something that can be done about it? I have a UV filter on the return to the pond already.


I'm considering getting rid of some of my fish. I was going to put them in the farm pond, and I'm sure they'd thrive, but I really don't fancy catching one of my pets if I fished it. Where would be the best place to sell them/give them away?




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Does the uv bulb not need replacing regularly in them filter boxes?

No Eastern Europeans down your way ..they are the kiddies for getting rid of fish ...even get rid of the ones you want to keep !.. On a serious note my pond filter used to struggle at this time of the

In fact anyone reading this who wants some young koi I'm passing on two fish both japanease and good growers chagoi 5inch and a yamabuki ogon at 7inch

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No Eastern Europeans down your way ..they are the kiddies for getting rid of fish ...even get rid of the ones you want to keep !.. On a serious note my pond filter used to struggle at this time of the year with the alge blooming , used to have to clean it once a week , July and August was the worst it tended to ease after that ..I eventually changed it to a gravity feed system that ran through 4 different gravel chambers then pumped back into the pond ..

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Youve told me before you have a multibay filter they are high mantience and when feeding high amounts of food you need to be cleaning it around once a week if not more, can't think of it being algaie if the uv is placed before the filter? Also koi should do good in the farm pond asking as its not overstocked and decent sized ,I've given a few that didn't meet the grade to my mates small private farm fishing lake and they are happy as and growing big, just been away for a while and gave my multi bay filter a massive clean but if you keep it under control its easier to keep the muck at bay

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This time if year make sure your UV is working right and i've always used tight bailed barley straw to help the filter. A bit old hat for some these days but it's natural and works...


Oh yer, if you are lookin to offload fish, advertise em. Plenty of people looking to start up an need a help with stock. Though we lashed a load in our farm pond and dispite a very healthy intrest from the local heron, they are thriving. ;)

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Just a quick word of warning r.e straw in water. Make sure its clean straw. . . . . I know someone who had all of their fish go bottom up after chucking a bale in that had some nasty chem or other on it!

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  On 12/07/2015 at 21:27, Ideation said:

Just a quick word of warning r.e straw in water. Make sure its clean straw. . . . . I know someone who had all of their fish go bottom up after chucking a bale in that had some nasty chem or other on it!

Absofeckinglutley Ide..! ;) Good stockists sell it ready bailed for the job, clean, safe stuff... As said, it's been around a while but is still effective. ;)

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Sounds like what I have in my pool it will be blanket weed, and almost impossible to get rid of. My filters are just two cold water storage tanks and not that bad for blocking up but whenever I clean them out they are full of the stuff. I've tried a few of the blanket weed removers and nothings done much good to be honest,

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Blanket weed, the bane of my life at the mo. I have a gravity filter 8m x 4m and I'm spending about 1-2 hours a day looking after it. The weed is the by product of your fish waste and needs to be removed if your uv isn't dealing with it.

Last year I used barley straw sausages and I definitely had a lot less. I would say 80% less.

Put your fish in the farm pond, you could always where a mask while you're fishing for them :laugh: .

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