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Incubator Vs Natural

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Obviously natural broodies are best.


BUT now here's my first question, WE who incubate and hatch eggs stop at certain times due to seasons changing, light/temps etc etc.


So how come, broodys will hatch a clutch later than we would? Reason why I ask is yesterday I had another duck sit on a hidden clutch in a hedge, so if it goes full then we've 28days before they hatch! and also have a hen sitting on 4 eggs just this week again that'll be 21days. Plus the one in the shed who's eggs are due in a week or two (different aged eggs).


Seeing as broody is better then it seems as though hatches could go up to end august? But then that's us raising them - has to be different from a broody doing it.


Hope this makes even a bit of sense, I can't hardly understand it :laugh:

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Lots of fowl and waterfowl have lost their instinct regarding breeding due to domestication. Also they know there is a ready food supply so that doesn't hold them back. What will happen though is any 'late' hatches will struggle to attain full potential with decreasing light and lower temperatures.

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Thanks Tuzo for reply. More or less what I thought, I'd love to try stop these two new broods. Never in my life had a broody, now got 2 ducks on one nest, one duck in a hedge and a bloody hen on 4 eggs..all within a few weeks.


Phew nightmare.! That's what I get for wanting one go broody I guess :icon_eek:

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