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What The Worst Thing You Ever Did Ferreting

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As a very young lad ferreting under a head stone with my older brother, standing on the grave setting purse nets, very old graveyard, got 3 rabbits and sold them,killing all the rabbits in a rabbit pen a lad had for training springers he is still throwing me dirty looks after 25 years never talks to me I was only young had no sence, 6 handy rabbits with poles, what did you ever do that you look back at it now and laugh?

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Grabbing young rabbits as they bolted from a hole

Hands full just kept grabbing them until I realised one was a

Great big rat

I couldn't have dropped it any quicker if it had of been covered in shite and on fire lol

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Ferreting when young farmer firing shots in the air and did we run that day it worked, year ago got permission in one farm thought we could hunt all of Ireland,just say o I thought this was such and such farm, say sorry for mistake got a lot of permission that way, now a days wouldn't have the neck to do it.

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When i first started out hunting on my own, i heard a rumble down below, stooped and put my ear to the rabbit hole, rabbit came flying out and smacked me square in the face and sent me tumbling down the hill backwards...luckily no-one was around to see!

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Years ago when I was but a schoolboy , a mate came calling . Still got that ferret ? Yes I said , why ? "Cos I know a place that is heaving with rabbits ". Well he had my attention now cos in the 70s a good bag of rabbits was hard to get . "Where is it ? I asked . "I'll show you " he said . We got permission ? "Sure , I know the farmer and he wants them gone ". So off we went ,and after a long walk we reached the spot and sure enough the place was well kicked out and looked like it did indeed hold many a bunny . Nets down and I lifted the corner of the net and dropped my ferret in and stood back waiting for the action to start . About this time I could hear the familiar sound of a tractor , no problem I thought the farmer probably just wants to say hello to my mate . My mate however was nowhere to be seen , apart from the back of his Parker disappearing through a hedge . That mate is now my brother inlaw and we still laugh about it now . As it was the farmer was alright and let me carry on . And I managed to catch 10 rabbits and had the lot myself .

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