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What defines doing "fairly well" in the greater scheme of the cost of every day life mate? ;)


Quick google search mate as the deal differs depending on the legislation when you enrolled;


"The repayment threshold for the UK for the period April 15 to March 16 is £17,335. So anyone with an annual salary of over £17,335 is required to repay their loan and they pay 9% of their earnings over this threshold."


Now don't misread that and believe that I'm saying 17k is top dollar. But it's not the bread line is it. 9% on earnings over 17K is hardly controlling a graduates life in anyway really. Not seeing as the average grad starting salary is around 30k I believe.


Speaking as a graduate, I don't feel the fees and debt is any sort of burden AT ALL. Not when I compare my salary with my mates. And like I said, no ones coming after me if I end up on my arse.



9% of the earned or after tax ?.......be interesting to know what spare out of 30k after you take out every day living costs like council tax, vat on fuel and utilities, mortgage interest, parking charges and all other government imposed levies and taxes? Edited by WILF
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What the feck are you slevering about?. If this was white girls setting on Dianne Abbotts son it would be all over the news and then some. Her, you and every other apologist would be screaming racia

I believe the reason is SO simple that no wants to say it or believe it mate...........but I will say it and wait for the howls from the audience.   Whites, blacks, Idians, Pakistanis, Arabs etc etc

Embrace multiculture for the enrichment of our sociaty is the biggest lie thats ever been bestowed on us as a nation.

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Supply always exceeds demand the supply has been created to satisfy a demand that has also been created be it out of need or fro desire , why are advertising budgets billions of pounds a year to create an artificial demand that is not already there , so in order to meet that artificially created market supplies are also controlled so the bottom does not fall out of the market , nothing to do with English language or grammar it is common sense I know that even population control is practised to create demand also to control society it has been that way since creation need and demand are often confused with what is genuinely needed or what is desired.. Supply is 100% manipulated for a black bottom line.

Edited by desertbred
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What defines doing "fairly well" in the greater scheme of the cost of every day life mate? ;)

Quick google search mate as the deal differs depending on the legislation when you enrolled;


"The repayment threshold for the UK for the period April 15 to March 16 is £17,335. So anyone with an annual salary of over £17,335 is required to repay their loan and they pay 9% of their earnings over this threshold."


Now don't misread that and believe that I'm saying 17k is top dollar. But it's not the bread line is it. 9% on earnings over 17K is hardly controlling a graduates life in anyway really. Not seeing as the average grad starting salary is around 30k I believe.


Speaking as a graduate, I don't feel the fees and debt is any sort of burden AT ALL. Not when I compare my salary with my mates. And like I said, no ones coming after me if I end up on my arse.



9% of the earned or after tax ?



Before tax I think. But I'm not 100%. It doesn't really matter though, it'll just effect how fast the debt is repaid. If your qualification is in high demand then the employer will offer a higher salary. And that's the point, or should be, in getting a Uni education.


9% on earnings over 17k on a 30k grad salary is less than 100 quid a month. 21 year old on 30k a year starting with only 100 quid a month to pay for that, who will probably get raise after raise and end on a very nice salary and pension indeed compared to his peers that didn't want the student debt or qualification. (Statistically speaking of course, you don't need a degree to do well.) Then, even if it all went to shit after 5 years and the grad was on minimum wage, the debt repayments vanish until he crosses the threshold again. It's just not a bind or controlling imo.

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I'm not the most open minded person to offer an opinion on such things as I will freely admit that I have lost faith totally in "the system"..........I tend to view anything "official" from the lowest common denominator.


So any of my opinions are clouded by that.


I don't believe them any more about anything, not anything!


However, I know what I see and none of it looks good to me mate.......it all stinks to high heaven IMHO

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JD what about the corrupt self made millionaires

Taking the piss




Starbucks ect not paying their way


It's these who gripe folk

Yes, if they're acting illegally then they should face the full brunt of the law. Just like benefit cheats.


I don't think anyones arguing that....


I wasn't refering to corrupt/bent wealthy people, but people who have legally done well, taken chances and made themselves a good life.


Imagine you went to Thailand and stumbled upon a real money spinner, you put 2K into a business and made 20K fast and then the government said they wanted 20% in corporation tax.......you'd be a bit peeved, but you're down to 16 K now and decide to take that as your salary, but then the government want 40% of that, so you've worked hard, took chances and seen your 20K reduce rapidly down to £9600......you'd be shouting that that was unfair.....

I'm just using that as a loose example.



HOWEVER, starbucks and others using the tax loophole? Well, can you blame them? Really?

In all honesty if you had a chance to save millions would you?

I would. And if we're all being honest there's not a single person on here who wants to pay more tax than they have to......

It's not Starbucks that are at fault, but the system.

Besides, Starbucks will no doubt be employing plenty of university graduates for serving coffee, so alls not too bad...... :D

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I'm not the most open minded person to offer an opinion on such things as I will freely admit that I have lost faith totally in "the system"..........I tend to view anything "official" from the lowest common denominator.

So any of my opinions are clouded by that.

I don't believe them any more about anything, not anything!

However, I know what I see and none of it looks good to me mate.......it all stinks to high heaven IMHO

Really! I didn't have you down as a sceptic mate! LOL LOL


Seriously though, whenever I'm chatting to you on here I just imagine one of those anonymous masks! Haha

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JD 20k is a lot less than a million

If I was earning 200k per year if the Goverment say the Country needs to raise more tax the only way to get that Fairly is to tax the high earners

Average Joe ain't got nothing in his pockets as it is

Working folk are having to use food banks


Do our Goverment not see this as Shamefull while giving foreign aid to India and Brazil ' these countries can afford space programmes



If they need to fill the coffers more millionaires can pay the 40% and still live a comftable life


Normal folk cannot afford a penny more than is getting ripped from them as it is.

But wealthy people also spend a lot of money


Keeping people in jobs so more tax


Make it fare everyone pays the same % so the more you earn the more you pay

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JD 20k is a lot less than a million

If I was earning 200k per year if the Goverment say the Country needs to raise more tax the only way to get that Fairly is to tax the high earners

Average Joe ain't got nothing in his pockets as it is

Working folk are having to use food banks


Do our Goverment not see this as Shamefull while giving foreign aid to India and Brazil ' these countries can afford space programmes



If they need to fill the coffers more millionaires can pay the 40% and still live a comftable life


Normal folk cannot afford a penny more than is getting ripped from them as it is.

But wealthy people also spend a lot of money


Keeping people in jobs so more tax


Make it fare everyone pays the same % so the more you earn the more you pay


EXACTLY>>>>>>>>>> We spout about fairness this and fairness that, but the wealthy always get the shitty end of the stick...most forget that,,...

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JD 20k is a lot less than a million

If I was earning 200k per year if the Goverment say the Country needs to raise more tax the only way to get that Fairly is to tax the high earners

Average Joe ain't got nothing in his pockets as it is

Working folk are having to use food banks


Do our Goverment not see this as Shamefull while giving foreign aid to India and Brazil ' these countries can afford space programmes



If they need to fill the coffers more millionaires can pay the 40% and still live a comftable life


Normal folk cannot afford a penny more than is getting ripped from them as it is.

Max, I was using it as a figure of speach matey...OK, use the amount of 2 million.....

You've gambled everything, worked like a slave and now your company has made two million.

Strike off 400K to take it to 1.6 mil, but hen pay 40% on that and you've for 960K left...you've just given half of what you've earned to the government ...and for what>?? NOTHING.

However, Joe Bloggs living next door is working in ASDA,he's earning 12K a year and paying about £400 in tax......

You both get exactly the same amenities......Only you've taken all the risks and gambles and yet you've paid over a million pounds more into the coffers.....is that fair? It can't be? How is it fair to penalise someone for having the nous to make themselves successful and wealthy?


I agree with foreign aid, it should be stopped to EVERYWHERE immediately, BUT, and it's a big BUT, on the flip side....how many of the people using these food banks smoke, drink and have iPhones??

I bet it's an awful high percentage! :thumbs:

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This has to be the weirdest thread I've ever followed. I don't even know how it started. Religious debate mixed with cousin f***ing, dash of Aliens, small helping of religious quoted from the Bible, disabled bashing with a small cameo from the word Nazi. Surreal doesn't even cover it


It's got weird now mate, we've had an outbreak of common sense, and civil debate on a multicultural topic :laugh:

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This has to be the weirdest thread I've ever followed. I don't even know how it started. Religious debate mixed with cousin f***ing, dash of Aliens, small helping of religious quoted from the Bible, disabled bashing with a small cameo from the word Nazi. Surreal doesn't even cover it


It's got weird now mate, we've had an outbreak of common sense, and civil debate on a multicultural topic :laugh:

It's been quite refreshing to be honest.

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I am just watching a documentary film called "Inside Job".........it's fascinating and frightening at the same time.


Still don't think we are manipulated by government for financial gain?.......watch this, see how close government is too investment banks and think again ;)

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