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A Bit Of Enrichment For The Mp's To Enjoy

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What the feck are you slevering about?. If this was white girls setting on Dianne Abbotts son it would be all over the news and then some. Her, you and every other apologist would be screaming racia

I believe the reason is SO simple that no wants to say it or believe it mate...........but I will say it and wait for the howls from the audience.   Whites, blacks, Idians, Pakistanis, Arabs etc etc

Embrace multiculture for the enrichment of our sociaty is the biggest lie thats ever been bestowed on us as a nation.

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  On 14/07/2015 at 07:42, Truther said:


  On 14/07/2015 at 07:32, desertbred said:

Definately head up your arse "white Supremacists" indeed your a clown :yes:


Great comeback DB..................i'll have to yield under the weight of that argument :laugh:



It's in their nature to rape underage girls,attack random lone people while they're in groups,mug the elderly etc.


Only a racist (aka white) would not tolerate that.


I think it would be better if all us evil whites got a proportionate part of the country walled off,to stop us corrupting these poor ethnics.


with thousands of men with high powered rifles making sure they don't try and climb over,it would be better for them to die than be corrupted by us evil waycists,not that they'd ever want to leave their utopia anyway.


It's not like people in overwhelmingly Asian or black countries are trying to get here as we speak, is it?

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  On 14/07/2015 at 09:32, neems said:


  On 14/07/2015 at 07:42, Truther said:


  On 14/07/2015 at 07:32, desertbred said:

Definately head up your arse "white Supremacists" indeed your a clown :yes:


Great comeback DB..................i'll have to yield under the weight of that argument :laugh:



It's in their nature to rape underage girls,attack random lone people while they're in groups,mug the elderly etc.


Only a racist (aka white) would not tolerate that.


I think it would be better if all us evil whites got a proportionate part of the country walled off,to stop us corrupting these poor ethnics.


with thousands of men with high powered rifles making sure they don't try and climb over,it would be better for them to die than be corrupted by us evil waycists,not that they'd ever want to leave their utopia anyway.


It's not like people in overwhelmingly Asian or black countries are trying to get here as we speak, is it?


You should ask the doctor to up your medication your paranoid

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  On 14/07/2015 at 00:33, ChrisJones said:


  On 14/07/2015 at 00:02, WILF said:

Ahh....received loud and clear mate ;)

Now obviously, no one is stupid enough to think that by removing sections of the population you would do away with crime.......it's obvious that if you removed all incomers from England then 100% of the crime would be committed by white british people........that's a no brainer mate.

However, they would be OUR problems to sort out.......I have said many times that we need to sort our own act out big time.

Let be honest, if your plane gets hijacked and flown into the pentagon chances are the bloke responsible isn't going to be a 45 year old white church goer accountant from Cleveland........same as if you get mugged at 2 in the morning at Elephant and Castle it's probably not going to be a 30 something stockbroker from Guildford doing it.

Let's be honest, these minorities are the ones doing these crime.......I know it, you know it, the police know it........every f****r knows it.......but no one wants to just say it !

It doesn't have to mean that you have to hate all black folks or Muslims but let's be honest at least.

At the moment we are trying to sweep it under the carpet and calling it tolerance IMHO


I know what you're saying with street level crime. You know it, I know it, the police know it, you're absolutely correct but it's a multi facetted problem through all levels of society. The problem is the criminal is being pointed at as the sole reason for societies ills. We're right to point, but surely you must be open to the idea that there is also a cause, and that we're not looking at the whole problem for an adequate solution. Some people are narrowing it even further, and further, looking for a simple, quick fix. You know, I know, and the police know that it's not that simple.


One major problem, as I see it, is at the governmental and enforcement level. Those making the rules and those that are tying the hands of those enforcing the rules.


Instead of pigeon holing it as asian, black, polish, whateverish, crime. Simply accept it for what it is.




Enforce it regardless of who is committing it.


But then we go into the causes of crime... As we've both discussed, that's a whole other monster...



  On 14/07/2015 at 00:02, neems said:

what other issues?


Seriously? Race? That's it?

I believe the reason is SO simple that no wants to say it or believe it mate...........but I will say it and wait for the howls from the audience.


Whites, blacks, Idians, Pakistanis, Arabs etc etc etc........are not like each other !!........they have distinctly different cultures and values !! There, that's it !!!


If Clacton run out of Jam and Bread in the supermarkets you won't see them descend on St Osyth and machete the population to death to get theirs !!


If the local Chinese take a way owners daughter walks about in a mini skirt he won't be having a stroll to the garage to pick up 2 gallon of petrol and some battery acid !!


Indians won't be queing up to have a nice steak and a beer after a day of football violence !!


Everyone is very different, some cultures are more savage and primordial in a very everyday way (some ,like us, just leave the savagery to the government !)


What ever else humans being will to a greater or lesser extent always play to type........they just will !


And the sooner we can be honest about it and stop trying to make it more complicated than it is or shouting "Racist" the sooner we can address the problems of forcing people together.



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  On 14/07/2015 at 09:56, WILF said:


  On 14/07/2015 at 00:33, ChrisJones said:


  On 14/07/2015 at 00:02, WILF said:

Ahh....received loud and clear mate ;)

Now obviously, no one is stupid enough to think that by removing sections of the population you would do away with crime.......it's obvious that if you removed all incomers from England then 100% of the crime would be committed by white british people........that's a no brainer mate.

However, they would be OUR problems to sort out.......I have said many times that we need to sort our own act out big time.

Let be honest, if your plane gets hijacked and flown into the pentagon chances are the bloke responsible isn't going to be a 45 year old white church goer accountant from Cleveland........same as if you get mugged at 2 in the morning at Elephant and Castle it's probably not going to be a 30 something stockbroker from Guildford doing it.

Let's be honest, these minorities are the ones doing these crime.......I know it, you know it, the police know it........every f****r knows it.......but no one wants to just say it !

It doesn't have to mean that you have to hate all black folks or Muslims but let's be honest at least.

At the moment we are trying to sweep it under the carpet and calling it tolerance IMHO

I know what you're saying with street level crime. You know it, I know it, the police know it, you're absolutely correct but it's a multi facetted problem through all levels of society. The problem is the criminal is being pointed at as the sole reason for societies ills. We're right to point, but surely you must be open to the idea that there is also a cause, and that we're not looking at the whole problem for an adequate solution. Some people are narrowing it even further, and further, looking for a simple, quick fix. You know, I know, and the police know that it's not that simple.

One major problem, as I see it, is at the governmental and enforcement level. Those making the rules and those that are tying the hands of those enforcing the rules.


Instead of pigeon holing it as asian, black, polish, whateverish, crime. Simply accept it for what it is.




Enforce it regardless of who is committing it.


But then we go into the causes of crime... As we've both discussed, that's a whole other monster...


  On 14/07/2015 at 00:02, neems said:

what other issues?

Seriously? Race? That's it?

I believe the reason is SO simple that no wants to say it or believe it mate...........but I will say it and wait for the howls from the audience.

Whites, blacks, Idians, Pakistanis, Arabs etc etc etc........are not like each other !!........they have distinctly different cultures and values !! There, that's it !!!

If Clacton run out of Jam and Bread in the supermarkets you won't see them descend on St Osyth and machete the population to death to get theirs !!

If the local Chinese take a way owners daughter walks about in a mini skirt he won't be having a stroll to the garage to pick up 2 gallon of petrol and some battery acid !!

Indians won't be queing up to have a nice steak and a beer after a day of football violence !!

Everyone is very different, some cultures are more savage and primordial in a very everyday way (some ,like us, just leave the savagery to the government !)

What ever else humans being will to a greater or lesser extent always play to type........they just will !

And the sooner we can be honest about it and stop trying to make it more complicated than it is or shouting "Racist" the sooner we can address the problems of forcing people together.


Interesting you mention clacton, I know it well........a place that has certainly seen a rise in knife crime, violence, anti social behaviour over the years, & yes there are clear divisions there, but little to do with immigration.....yet!

There's a clear divide between the decent & white trash, although I will admit, ironically this has been largely spawned by East London white flight over the years & has in turn over spilled into my little home town. These same people would be heard loudly moaning about what a shite hole London had become, but often couldn't wait to turn their new found 'better' neighbourhood into another shite hole!

I really do get the anger & frustrations over immigration & loss of identity in many parts of England today, I would no doubt have similar feelings had I grown up in such towns or cities.......but never underestimate the divides that supposedly our own white population can create in once decent areas........it's not all black & white

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I agree totally matey ;)


And this is what I have always said, it not about "jus hating da mussies or da niggers all day long " it about saying we have problems of our own and having all these other f***ing lunatics here further fragmenting and diluting a culture that we need to repair and get right is not helping in any way, shape or form.


They are making a bad situation worse.


BGD said it earlier about the Somalians......savage and lawless, that's not racist it's a fact, so f**k off back to Somalia and be savage and lawless in a society more familiar with those antics.

Edited by WILF
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Most people will agree that there is a divide and problems amongst white people in this country and you are able to talk about it


Problem is the minute you talk about other colours or cultures....well we all know what happens

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Yes I think this lack of transparency is making things worse for all involved, through anger & frustration it's creating an even bigger divide............if that's possible?

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I went to college in a Northern town, at the time when EMA was still going, and kids could get a small allowance for going to college, ranging from £10 to £30 per week. The black students never integrated, and always stayed in their own groups. They were English, but spoke in a strange gangster tongue, similar to Ali G, and always wore sports gear. They all carried knives and drugs, and felt nothing of showing them in the pub across the road. I saw them myself. The African students were even scarier. The teachers and management knew about what they were up to, but did nothing, probably scared of being dubbed as racist, and these lot knew it. If white students carried knives and drugs into a college, we all know what would have happened.

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  On 14/07/2015 at 11:20, Accip74 said:

Yes I think this lack of transparency is making things worse for all involved, through anger & frustration it's creating an even bigger divide............if that's possible?


I'd say the lack of tansparency and honesty is what holds this multicultural society together,if people could voice honest opinions there would be more measures taken against it.


You have to pretend to like 'diversity' to get a good job to be able to move as far as possible away from 'diversity'!

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  On 14/07/2015 at 19:46, neems said:


  On 14/07/2015 at 11:20, Accip74 said:

Yes I think this lack of transparency is making things worse for all involved, through anger & frustration it's creating an even bigger divide............if that's possible?


I'd say the lack of tansparency and honesty is what holds this multicultural society together,if people could voice honest opinions there would be more measures taken against it.


You have to pretend to like 'diversity' to get a good job to be able to move as far as possible away from 'diversity'!


The further a person lives from an area of ethnic "Diversity" the greater their enthusiasm for and belief in multiculturalism.

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  On 14/07/2015 at 20:41, Blackbriar said:

If crime levels don't have a race element, why does the Met have specialist units, dedicated solely to crimes committed by blacks ?

Operation trident set up to tackle gun crime and homicide within the black community.

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  On 14/07/2015 at 20:22, mackem said:


  On 14/07/2015 at 19:46, neems said:


  On 14/07/2015 at 11:20, Accip74 said:

Yes I think this lack of transparency is making things worse for all involved, through anger & frustration it's creating an even bigger divide............if that's possible?


I'd say the lack of tansparency and honesty is what holds this multicultural society together,if people could voice honest opinions there would be more measures taken against it.


You have to pretend to like 'diversity' to get a good job to be able to move as far as possible away from 'diversity'!


The further a person lives from an area of ethnic "Diversity" the greater their enthusiasm for and belief in multiculturalism.



Either that or they've learned to play the game (lie for the good of themselves and their families) better than most.


It would imo take a fairly intelligent person to convince themselves the blatant lies the media and schooling system have told them are true.

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