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More Than One Treacle

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They all look the same in the dark so why go to the trouble of causing someone who may be the mother of your kids serious pain for the sake of a quick squirt?   If you don't like them then leave the

Right then, I'll be honest......I got amongst that many birds when I was a young bloke upto the age of 24 that it would have made a Paris pimp blush, 3 or 4 different every week. I liked women, I got

why the f*ck would I want to disappoint two

well been married 30 years , and got a son 28 , it been very hard at times to stay in this marriage . But suppose the difference from one night stand just to blow your tubes out either from shag or blow job , its very different to having full blown affair . For me I would go off with another women , if I thought 1st she was really worth it, being honest / kind person, and somebody I could really get on with, plus that I really fancied her . ive met few women over the years that were nice people very nice to talk to, but there didn't really turn me on , you got like them physically as well as mentally :yes: .if you got young kids and house /debt etc its a very big thing to do, but if you really thought this person was honest and worth it, yes go for it leave your wife :yes: . life goes very quick ,very quick try to be as happy as you can be, and if some real/proper happiness comes your grab it with both hands :thumbs::yes:

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C`mon lads let`s be honest ffs.

Right then, I'll be honest......I got amongst that many birds when I was a young bloke upto the age of 24 that it would have made a Paris pimp blush, 3 or 4 different every week.I liked women, I got on with women and I still do.When I met my wife I was burned out in my soul, I was ready to meet her in my mind.That women has given me 4 wonderful kids, I was never a 9 to 5 bloke so she has put up with some shit and never once not supported me........I love the woman with all my heart and wild horses wouldn't make me hurt her in any way.......especially for the sake of something I have done a thousand times before and would mean as much as dropping my fag in the gutter.Is that honest enough ?
No mate.You haven`t thought it through fully before replying.That`s how you feel at this present time.Say in 10 years time your wife is not interested in Wilf`s D what are you going to do?Divorse her and start another serious relationship or have another treacle on the side?That way you can kiss your wife goodnight in bed and roll over with a smile on your face lol

Well, I have been married nearly 20 years so yes, I have thought it through.


If your old women looses a bit of interest in you in the bedroom department maybe folk should be having a look at weather it's them that's the boring b*****d rather than scooting off looking for a quick score........no complaints from the audience this end, know what I mean ;)

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"Would you like a diamond ring for your birthday, darling ?"

"No", she said " I don't want another ring."

"How about a mink coat ? - you'd look great in on of those."

"No", she said " I don't want a fur coat."

"What bout a nice shiny sports car ? - you've always wanted one of those !"

"No", she said " That's not what I want."

"Well what DO you want for your birthday ?" I asked her.

"A divorce !" she replied.



"5hit ! I wasn't thinking of spending THAT much.............!"

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Me? Nope, not with this one, she is the ONE.......


On the flip side.......I've personally known quite a few of the 'I've got it all out of my system blah blah blah, blissfully married, 100% faithful lads.......' Only for them to find out the their 'tolerant' mrs was getting 'it' else where all along......


Never take anything for granted......;-)

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I feel the same as Wilf and the others on here. I'm in my marrage for keeps. I believe in it and believe in working at it. I doesn't just happen or exist, it needs real work from both parties and thankfully my Mrs is my best mate so we are fully open about it.


One of the happiest married men i know was once running here there and everywhere forever banging women behind his Mrs's back. I was with him one day when his capers were really getting on top of him and we sat down and he opened up. My answer was simply that if he put as much effort into his marrage as he does screwing around he would never want to bother with other women again.

He seemed to pay me lip service about trying and i forgot all about it.

It was a year or so later we had the opportunity for a natter again. He took my advice and put that effort in and found the woman of his dreams was right there after all! Like i said, 9 years later and they have a strong loving relationship and with that strengh came better jobs and a better life... Not a bad fairy tale eh. ;)

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Worked wonders for his married life eh? I bet his missus don't know about her! Nor do I reckon he'd be ok with her having a decent shag on the side ;)


Be warned though, when finding out he can't keep his cock in his pants we don't all dissolve into heart broken tears....

I pissed in the petrol tank of his motor bike, shot his entire antique porcelain collection, gave his number in reply to certain types of adult adverts then sold my wedding dress for extortionate amounts of Jamesons and had the time of my life!

Plus I changed my name by deed poll rather than divorce the lying b*****d, so he can't just marry the next idiot who falls for his charms!

Were you not heart broken? There is nothing worse than deceit. You must of felt humiliated and degraded.. if you have moved on you would be divorcing with all haste..

Ok I have watched a lot of old Frasure repeats....

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