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Hunting Ban Amendment, Next Week.

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Men this is a chess game and each move on the board is vital, but this move is only to move the pawn not the king..... don't be so disheartened about the first amendment to be made....its not the winn

As Chairman of the Association of Lurcher Clubs I have just finished a Conference call meeting with the Council of Hunting Associations(CHA) The subject was the Debate on Thursday next week off an am

Repeal will be a once in a life time shot, if it fails we will never ever get a second chance and the whole process has to be properly managed, otherwise we’ll be saddled with the Hunting Act forever.

  On 10/07/2015 at 20:40, maxhardcore said:

IMO it's no good bickering

Yes it's all for the Hunts at the moment but we and it has got to start somewhere.

Have you say and piss plenty anti wankers off along the way.

This amendment will be the start and finish and book closed on the hunting ban.
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Men this is a chess game and each move on the board is vital, but this move is only to move the pawn not the king..... don't be so disheartened about the first amendment to be made....its not the winning of the game in the first move... chess is not played like that...believe me the men fighting behind the scenes are far from silly.. what they do not need is men openly criticizing them or any hunting affiliation on any open forum!


But since is the Lurcher section I will say this.. get your heads together, cut egos out and organize yourselves with the correct men who know what they are talking about to lead a committee of good men who have the balls to go and fight for the right to have lurchers used correctly and legally in the field... get back the rights to run long ears with a lurcher, its far more humane and ethical than drives.... and a lot more obvious things I will not state on an open forum!


Strike while the Irons hot...now is the correct time IMO... show the public that a long dog on the run is a beautiful thing and there only to outcomes when running a lurcher and that is the animal gets a buckle and gets away unharmed to live another day just the same as an escape from a predator in its natural form in the wild... or it gets caught and as soon as the jaws of the lurcher lifts him he is dispatched cleanly and quickly just like a predator would also do to them in the wild... their arguments are farcical, fictional and unethical... its called hunting for a reason...not killing!


These Antis always seem to talk about killing....there obsessed with it, let them out a few nights in the bitter cold with blowing winds on a hill and come home with an empty bag.... and WE still will say it was a great nights lamping.... hunting folk love to be in tune with nature managing the weak and old or sickly animals and the healthiest and fittest survive to replenish the gene pool .... we manage wildlife not KILL it! Believe in what you do and stand up for it!

Edited by stop.end
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  On 09/07/2015 at 11:06, courser said:

As Chairman of the Association of Lurcher Clubs I have just finished a Conference call meeting with the Council of Hunting Associations(CHA)

The subject was the Debate on Thursday next week off an amendment to the Hunting Ban.


What will this mean? The amendment, as I understand it, will mean that hunts can use more than two hounds to flush a mammal (Fox or Hare) to waiting guns, which means that hunting with hounds will be able to carry on using a full pack. Until now a full pack could only be used for trail hunting. So it will then be legal for a full pack in pursuit of a fox/Hare. An acceptable amendment until a full repeal.


How will this affect the Lurcher man? It means that you will be able to use Lurchers/Longdogs to course (Drive) an Hare to someone waiting with a legally held gun. As long as you have permission of the landowner, you will be able to carry on pretty much as before the ban.


What we must do! Lobby your MP, be he /she Conservative or Labour and tell him you want him/her to vote for the amendment There is a E-lobby faculty on the grassroots web site, or you can send him/her a letter or card (Cards will be available) This must be done ASAP. I remember before the ban asking for lurcher owners to lobby their MPs and was amazed by the the rush of indifference and look what happened. This is our chance to stand up and be counted. On wednesday of next week there will be a lobby of MPs in Westminster and it is hoped that two people from each constituency will speak to their MPs asking them to support the amendment. If you are able to attend please contact me.


This will not be the end of the matter, we will carry on until there is a full repeal.

Alan Tyer.

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You can use a lurcher /long dog to drive hares to a gun with landowners permission now! So nothing will change for coursing lads, will this vote make coursing legal again or is it just an amendment so fox hunts can use a full pack instead of just two???

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Alan is your association of lurcher clubs a closed door ??


Have you any more information and thoughts how fellow supporters could participate and feel they have the chance to make a difference? ?


I personally have contacted the CA and yourself previously and got no reply..

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I am away for a few days, but will give a full reply to the doubters when I get back. Let us have some positive post in the meantime.


P.S. Where are all the ex members of the ALC who enjoyed the good times and know the benefits of organisation?

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  On 09/07/2015 at 19:43, mad4it said:

it a start but as said at the moment it only seems that the fox hounds can use a full pack where us lurcher lads/lasses are still going to be looking over our shoulders. As what was said on other threads about the ban we need to march on parliment next thursday would be the ideal time and day to do it as it would show them that us lads/lasses want a repeal not admendments.

it ain't a start,thats it dun & dusted they've got hunting packs back to where it will be so difficult to prove they intentionally set out to break the law

that the police won't bother but lurcher & terrier lads have been kicked to the kirb & left scatching your bollox cause nowt's changed for you your in

exactly the same position as you've been in since the 2005 act came in. i'm sure we'll hear from all those who cried for us all to vote tory as at least

we'll be able hunt again,can't wait to hear their exuses

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