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Hunting Ban Amendment, Next Week.

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so who are the liberal shits?


and the above i do know ....


so i dont need to re copy what You have written, but for crying out loud, please stand together, we have more time for re grouping with the delay till later in the year,


Oh and for the RECORD i have never voted LABOUR in My Life, and to this day i am still promoting field sports.


Once i Have Given Courser a bell, I am sure he will confirm.

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Men this is a chess game and each move on the board is vital, but this move is only to move the pawn not the king..... don't be so disheartened about the first amendment to be made....its not the winn

As Chairman of the Association of Lurcher Clubs I have just finished a Conference call meeting with the Council of Hunting Associations(CHA) The subject was the Debate on Thursday next week off an am

Repeal will be a once in a life time shot, if it fails we will never ever get a second chance and the whole process has to be properly managed, otherwise we’ll be saddled with the Hunting Act forever.

So who was Micheal Foster? @ hurlock

If it's any help Flynn..... Michael Foster was the Labour MP for Worcester from 1997 until 2010 when he lost his seat at the General Election.


His only claim to fame during that time was to have presented a Private Members Bill to Parliament which intended to ban all hunting with dogs.... his Bill failed.


Kind Regards - Barrie


PS. It never ceases to amaze me how all of these threads quickly seem to degenerate into a row amongst ourselves, while at the same time losing sight of who the real enemies are, our opponents must laugh their socks off J.M.H.O.

Edited by Barrie
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So who was Micheal Foster? @ hurlock

If it's any help Flynn..... Michael Foster was the Labour MP for Worcester from 1997 until 2010 when he lost his seat at the General Election.


His only claim to fame during that time was to have presented a Private Members Bill to Parliament which intended to ban all hunting with dogs.... his Bill failed.


Kind Regards - Barrie


PS. It never ceases to amaze me how all of these threads quickly seem to degenerate into a row amongst ourselves, while at the same time losing sight of who the real enemies are, our opponents must laugh their socks off J.M.H.O.


quiet right , Barrie , and i concur with You, As i have stated over and over, ( maybe not here ) i wont give up.


Having got off the phone with Courser, we are looking at a way forward, at least in the down time till Later in the year , we have a chance to pick the gaunlet and run with it...



Kindest regards.

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So who was Micheal Foster? @ hurlock

If it's any help Flynn..... Michael Foster was the Labour MP for Worcester from 1997 until 2010 when he lost his seat at the General Election.


His only claim to fame during that time was to have presented a Private Members Bill to Parliament which intended to ban all hunting with dogs.... his Bill failed.


Kind Regards - Barrie


PS. It never ceases to amaze me how all of these threads quickly seem to degenerate into a row amongst ourselves, while at the same time losing sight of who the real enemies are, our opponents must laugh their socks off J.M.H.O.

bollocks Barrie the lurcher lads have stood side by side with the hunts all along,it's the hunts who we're trying to do a slippery move to cover their arses and the terriermen will obviously go along with it because it means they get what they want aswell lol,personally I don't care nomore I've marched more than a couple of times and donated to various organisations giving both time and money as far as I can see you lot don't give a shit about us lot so f**k it I'm only one but I'm one who won't support you anymore atb AT



AT I’m really sorry that you choose see it that way….. but if you think for one minute that I would turn my back on lurchermen, simply because of some perceived short term possible benefit for the terrierman, then you don’t know me very well (if at all).


Just for the record, I bought my first lurcher almost 50 years ago and have had many more since (all working dogs), I coursed pure bred greyhounds and field stewarded with the now disbanded Oxford Coursing Club and my father kept what at that time were reputed to be some of the best rag whippets in the country. I attended the very first meeting of the Association of Lurcher Clubs and we have been close allies and confidents ever since.

It’s now a sad fact of life that the battle to preserve fieldsports is to be a never ending one, simply because our opponents will never give up. In my opinion the only way that fieldsports can ever hope to survive is for everyone to stick together. Yes there may be some within our ranks who may simply pay that lip service, but I don’t think it applies to ALL of any particular group.


At a personal level I’m not sure who you mean by “you lot”, but to put the record straight, I’m not paid by anyone for the things I do and in reality the last 20 years has put a much bigger dent in my pocket and my personal life than you could even possibly imagine.


Nevertheless, if you have any genuine concerns as to where either I or the NWTF stands in relation to their support for lurcherwork and/or coursing, I would strongly suggest that you contact the ALC and NCC for their views on the matter. You may be pleasantly surprised and feel a little more reassured.


Regards - Barrie

Edited by Barrie
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Well said Barrie, I have worked with Barrie for quite a number of years. Barrie as the chairman of the" National working Terrier Federation" (NWTF) and myself as chairman of the "Association of Lurcher Clubs" (ALC). We have spent many long hours in Westminster supporting our respective organisations and more to the point, each others organisation.

The fight must go on, we cannot, we must not fight among ourselves. We now have a chance to continue to fight. If you believe that the Hunting with Hounds people are against us (I believe wrongly), then join in the fight and show them that we too are passionate about the right to hunt, be it with Hounds on horse back, on foot with the fell packs or the miners packs, ( not all hunting with hounds is "Toffs" on horse back, many packs are run by working men) with a bobbery pack, or with a Lurcher/Longdog or terrier, be it on the fens or on the fields near where you live.

We are all hunting men/women, whatever type of hunting you do and we must fight for each others sport. A lot of people who ride to hounds know this and support working Lurchers/Longdogs, OK, some are less supportive than they could be, but the same can be said of some Lurcher/Longdog Men/women.

It is time to stop fighting among ourselves and get the ban repealed. It will take some time but if we don't try, it will never be repealed and those of you who say that the hunting world is against us can sit in the pub, nursing their pint and say that "we were right all along"

I have had a interesting phone call with Flynn, who is more than happy to throw their hat into the ring. Lets stand up and fight for our sport.


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