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How Many Rabbits Should I Shoot?

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Well, with the two acre permission and now also three acres adjacent to it, how many Rabbits should I shoot on a weekly basis to cull some for the owners but leave enough for shooting later in the year? The last three visits I've take five Rabbits per visit. I've said I will shoot there weekly and I have counted as many as twenty Rabbits at each permission sitting outside their warrens at any one time, many juvenile some adult male/females. I had a similar setup a few years ago, the owner wanted the property cleared and I was shooting up to twenty pre week, now when I go to back to that permission on a monthly basis, I shoot maybe one Rabbit. At the new shoot I would like to have enough for some sport and for the pot, so how many to reduce numbers at the new permissions but not clear the site?

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Basic rule of shooting. Tell the permission owners what they want to hear. If you don't, you'll lose it. Ive got a permission like this on an old school playing field, whose forever calling me and saying he's seeing 'loads' of rabbits. I go down there, shoot 5, tell him I've shot 10. He sees a reduction Everybody's happy.

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Shoot as many as you can and let the owners see the bag to keep them happy as long as you leave a pair there will always be more for next year and if it's good ground rabbits will move in anyway

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If the owners want it cleared and you dick about with a few here and there you risk either losing it or sharing it with someone else. They could catch a dose of mixi or VHD next week for all you and then you'd be kicking yourself. Personally I go smack the shit out of them; let the owners see your ruthless efficiency and ask them to tell their mates about you. Don't pin your hopes and sport on one permission, never stop looking.

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Many, many times I've left a nice head of rabbits behind for next year or I've seen rabbits coming back to an area after being absent for a few years and then the myxy comes along and decimates them.

Last year I was asked to clear rabbits on a stud in June. I knew I'd be the only one at them so I kept putting it off and then at the end of July I paid a visit.

I had 2 decent mornings and then the myxy hit and the rabbits disappeared.

Nowadays if I want rabbits I try and kill what I can. It's rare you'll get them all anyways.

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  On 12/07/2015 at 08:49, Yokel Matt said:

If the owners want it cleared and you dick about with a few here and there you risk either losing it or sharing it with someone else. They could catch a dose of mixi or VHD next week for all you and then you'd be kicking yourself. Personally I go smack the shit out of them; let the owners see your ruthless efficiency and ask them to tell their mates about you. Don't pin your hopes and sport on one permission, never stop looking.

This is the best advice here, this is what I would do, recomendation is everything, happy hunting

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If you leave a few, the owner will think your no doing a good job and give permission to somebody else , it could be poached ,or disease will wipe them out its a fine line so I shoot ever one I get a chance at

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  On 09/07/2015 at 10:53, David Aiken said:

Well, with the two acre permission and now also three acres adjacent to it, how many Rabbits should I shoot on a weekly basis to cull some for the owners but leave enough for shooting later in the year? The last three visits I've take five Rabbits per visit. I've said I will shoot there weekly and I have counted as many as twenty Rabbits at each permission sitting outside their warrens at any one time, many juvenile some adult male/females. I had a similar setup a few years ago, the owner wanted the property cleared and I was shooting up to twenty pre week, now when I go to back to that permission on a monthly basis, I shoot maybe one Rabbit. At the new shoot I would like to have enough for some sport and for the pot, so how many to reduce numbers at the new permissions but not clear the site?

It all depends on the owners expectations ? I like your approach,here,....lol If they are satisfied,with it,...then why attempt 'clearance' ? (easier said than done, anyway !) I would be more than happy, to make sure theres always some left !,.... if it was me,....lol

Edited by earth-thrower
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I saw 15 in the field and 10 or so in his garden. (the hedgerow and flower borders were alive!) I shot one which he saw and he was as happy as Larry!!! When I mentioned there were another 3 hanging from the Jeep I got a cup of tea and some biscuits! I guess I`ll stick to 3 or 4! :yes:

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This is always the dilemma when you try to mix business with sport. If he wants them gone then clear them and look for sport elsewhere. Or he'll get somebody else in to do your job.

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