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Nice One David Cameron

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a combination of f#cktards with camera phones and face book hasn't helped our cause either

People who show the white flag at the first sign of a skirmish dont help anyones cause. i will carry on with my country activities regardless , would rather do it within the law to the best of my abi

With all due respect, I don't think you actually grasp the law.   It is illegal to hunt fox or hare with hounds. it is illegal to hunt fox or hare with lurchers. It is legal to flush fox and hare


Another thing worth remembering about a repeal....it might not improve anything for the working dog man. Cameron can't just wave a magic wand and hey presto it's back to 2004. Those days are never coming back and competitive coursing will never come back, it will forever again be illegal.

However, in the repeal process different things get voted on. So it means things might get worse for some,not better. That's why things cannot be rushed. There's a hell of alot of MP's against us, their minds won't be changed. Be under no illusion, Cameron wants it repealed, but that doesn't mean it will be. A free vote for a repeal at the moment would fail, that's why there isn't a free vote at the moment. The powers that be, are trying their best, but be aware that it's not easy.

There's an old saying 'keep your powder dry'.... :thumbs:

Assuming the proposed amendment is successful,and this is just the first step to something more substantial re repeal,what would you guess the next step would be JD? It was obvious the hunt would be served first,how can you see them getting a result of any sort for the likes of us :hmm:


Hi , if this amendment is successful then the next step would be a free vote on a repeal. BUT I can tell you right now that we are not ready for this yet. A repeal could make matters worse for some of us, so unless the Ban is going to be repealed in it's entirety then I do not think we should repeal. It's all about weighing things up, and sometimes the better the devil you know rings true. :thumbs:

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The mirror have gone to town on it today full front page with a huntsman carrying a fox with its guts hanging out with a pack of hounds in toe with a story from an ex huntsman saying how barbaric it is if you haven't lobbied your MPs nows the time lads

Edited by bunnyboiler
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All the negative publicity is around packs of dogs savaging and tearing asunder foxes. The focus has been from the both sides of the argument on fox hunting with packs. How can for example single handed dog coursing a hare which has happened for thousands of years be comparable? Single dog does not rip its quarry apart it hunts and catches and despatches it without the drama portrayed in many of the fox hunt arguments you hear. A properly trained hound will catch a fox in the same manner so these negative images of pack hunting cause untold damage to the huntsman who follow the traditional way of hunting and wildlife management, The hard working lad or lady out for a days hunting at a weekend after grafting all week are over shadowed by anti sensationalism splashed across full page ads in national newspapers showing red coats and range rovers. The truth is that far more individuals or a couple of mates out for a days hunting are being prevented from enjoying country activities that in lots of cases have been handed down for generations, in fact often finding themselves described by the media as , drug dealers thieves and vagabonds, talk about tarring with the same brush. We are law abiding individuals with a passion for country activities and life ..We are victims of an unjust and unworkable ill conceived legislation ,our voices and opinions are being ignored. Even the author of the Hunting Ban Tony Blair now with hind sight says it was an ill conceived unworkable piece of legislation and should be repealed. Think about it and contact your MP,s again as individual members of the electorate to ensure your voices and aspirations are heard and not just the voices of the party whips and well financed lacs and anti bully boys.

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The mirror have gone to town on it today full front page with a huntsman carrying a fox with its guts hanging out with a pack of hounds in toe with a story from an ex huntsman saying how barbaric it is if you haven't lobbied your MPs nows the time lads

the chap in question was Clifford Pelow, and i'm led to believe that he was banned from being a hunt member anywhere, for his cruelty. Can anybody confirm it?

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ive hunted since a boy and never stopped you just have to box clever and change youre tatics ,to suit the situation ,you need proper spokesmen for the hunters and clever ones at that ,had my fair share of attention from the goverment shepherds ,over the years and alot are just lying through there teeth to get a capture ,and alot of the ones doing the caling are more naughty than a man chaseing a hare , i ope something sensible comes out of the hunting bill something good

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The mirror have gone to town on it today full front page with a huntsman carrying a fox with its guts hanging out with a pack of hounds in toe with a story from an ex huntsman saying how barbaric it is if you haven't lobbied your MPs nows the time lads

the chap in question was Clifford Pelow, and i'm led to believe that he was banned from being a hunt member anywhere, for his cruelty. Can anybody confirm it?


He has said some very silly things.......

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Using a public vote is hardly a fair chance where hunting is concerned is it ?

But if that's how it has to be done then they should use the same method for all other things like immigration etc, it makes me laugh how barbaric industry's and cultures are allowed to just carry on as normal in this country yet something that has gone on since time began and is needed to maintain an acceptable balance of wildlife has to be voted upon by the general public to which most of them have never seen any form of it what so ever.

I'd like to see a vote that only concerned people in areas that were affected by hunting, and the damage caused by the quarry we hunt, it would be a totally different outcome.

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Using a public vote is hardly a fair chance where hunting is concerned is it ?

But if that's how it has to be done then they should use the same method for all other things like immigration etc, it makes me laugh how barbaric industry's and cultures are allowed to just carry on as normal in this country yet something that has gone on since time began and is needed to maintain an acceptable balance of wildlife has to be voted upon by the general public to which most of them have never seen any form of it what so ever.

I'd like to see a vote that only concerned people in areas that were affected by hunting, and the damage caused by the quarry we hunt, it would be a totally different outcome.

The public don't vote Lucky. It's the MP's that vote.

We will have to see what the outcome is after the vote. I think that there's a good chance of the amendments going through......

This is NOT the repeal, just an amendment with regards the amount of dogs allowed, and some tweeks (in our favour) of terrierwork.

Fingers Crossed!

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Right so it's just MP's that are voting, maybe that's the reason they all just got a little pay rise at the last budget then lol

What's all the polls for then that keep popping up for us all to vote on, a bit pointless imo considering 90% of the country couldn't give a shit about hunting anyway.

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Is there any pro hunting information I can put on face book all I read is shit from Chris packed and the likes and consecutive and rich people are bring this country down !!! I need to find some vet studies on how we preserve the hare

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Its obvious how coursing single handed especially, preserves the hare population, the fitter healthier specimins get away to reproduce, the less fit and unhealthy ones dont it helps natural preservation of a healthy robust population.If no natural means of population control are available the inferior stock will breed leading to weaker species and over population leads to infectious disease spreading , and damage by the hares of arable crops and natural flora and fawna if the numbers went unchecked. Shoots will account for hundreds of hares dying in a single day and no hare no matter how fit will out run a shotgun or rifle so the natural balance of the fittest survive is eliminated.

Edited by desertbred
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Is there any pro hunting information I can put on face book all I read is shit from Chris packed and the likes and consecutive and rich people are bring this country down !!! I need to find some vet studies on how we preserve the hare




heres a little bit for you mate

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