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Ferret Finders

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Old vs New the same old argument...lol


If you seriously think the Mk1 is better than the Mk3 you must be using it wrong.


the Mk3 is pin point accurate for finding the collar...its a straight line no matter how far the dial and all the flashing lights say...tape up the speaker holes...sorts the sounds out. and the flashing lights actually tell you something about where and how deep the collar is... I will agree totally that the measurements that it gives in regards to the flashing lights can almost always be incorrect....But once you accept this and work accordingly you would have to be a complete numpty to not be able to find your ferret..Its simples really innit...you just hold receiver over collar while ferrets in box,look at lights on receiver and work out what the distance really means...They are usually about 1-2 foot out on locate when your at max distance...But get down to the last few measurements and they get more accurate so that you end up pinpointing the ferret/collar... Its more a case of ignoring the lights really and listening to the beeps and tuning it in for the last foot.


I have a mk1 grey box that i would willingly swop for a mk3 anytime. :thumbs:

Eerrr,,,,can I just remind you of your constant moaning about them carrots,,,,and all the threads you have done on here about them,,,,,and remind me how many times you keep sending them back for calibration,,,,I would gues at least 3 times in the last two years....


I agree though,,,I do like there pinpoint acuracy,,,,it's just there depth acuracy that does my head in,,,,some of them won't even go over 4 foot...

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Never seen a mk 3 that is as acurate at depth marking than the mk1,,, the km 3 is always out,,,usually over reading,,,if it says 4 foot its 2 foot,,,and never seen one go to 8 foot above the collar,,,

Got both a mk3 and a mk1, plus mate brings his mk1 along as well.   Generally use the mk3 for searching with its 16ft range and finding the ferret to within a metre or so. Then if a dig is required

I hated the MK3 at first and slated it on here,regularly....wouldn't be without it now,much prefer it to the MK1,still think theres room for improvement though.Search/Locate is unnecessary,should just

Yeh on the search mode....they will generally go the distance,,,,


But you put it depth,,,,I bet it won't read over 6 foot,,,,and 2 foot actual depth,,,is 3 foot on the carrot,,,and 3 foot actual depth is usually 4 or 5 foot on the carrot

Edited by TOMO
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Its true I have sent collars locators etc back to Deben on numerous occasions ....and they have let me down on a couple of occasions .... But they are still the best we have at this point in time.. and Deben have been spot on with repairs and returns.


The main concern is always the distance...Get a tape measure out and see for yourselves.


But they do pin point the ferret... the collars are directional in locate mode and the angle of the collar is easily read...much much more than a grey box.


and they do take some hammer...maybe not as much as the grey box...but there more advanced electronically.


They dont like the damp and that has been one of my problems when using a lot...Don't leave it over night in a damp net bag...the condensation play havoc with the readings.

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Its true I have sent collars locators etc back to Deben on numerous occasions ....and they have let me down on a couple of occasions .... But they are still the best we have at this point in time.. and Deben have been spot on with repairs and returns.


The main concern is always the distance...Get a tape measure out and see for yourselves.


But they do pin point the ferret... the collars are directional in locate mode and the angle of the collar is easily read...much much more than a grey box.


and they do take some hammer...maybe not as much as the grey box...but there more advanced electronically.


They dont like the damp and that has been one of my problems when using a lot...Don't leave it over night in a damp net bag...the condensation play havoc with the readings.

Lol,,,read the above,,,I rest my case...


You've just admitted ,,,you sent them back more than once,,,there not accurate,,,they don't take as much hammer,,,and f**k up when damp......


Remind me again why there better?

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Its true I have sent collars locators etc back to Deben on numerous occasions ....and they have let me down on a couple of occasions .... But they are still the best we have at this point in time.. and Deben have been spot on with repairs and returns.


The main concern is always the distance...Get a tape measure out and see for yourselves.


But they do pin point the ferret... the collars are directional in locate mode and the angle of the collar is easily read...much much more than a grey box.


and they do take some hammer...maybe not as much as the grey box...but there more advanced electronically.


They dont like the damp and that has been one of my problems when using a lot...Don't leave it over night in a damp net bag...the condensation play havoc with the readings.

Lol,,,read the above,,,I rest my case...


You've just admitted ,,,you sent them back more than once,,,there not accurate,,,they don't take as much hammer,,,and f**k up when damp......


Remind me again why there better?



They are better because they are more accurate...When working properly.....heheeeee....



So what would you buy tomorrow if you had a blank check and four ferrets to work.. ? Would you buy a reconditioned Grey box Or the Carrot disco stick ?

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When I was in China, were they are made I thought it would be easy to buy one really cheap, I found a shop that sold fishing and hunting gear, there was no sign of a ferret finder, so I tried to explain to the owner what I was wanting, ha ha, no chance, he spoke no English, and me no Chinese, so my hand gestures did not work.

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