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Feck me, that was quick, even if it was one of his lackies   Hi Bob, Thanks so much for your email. The amendment that we're asking for cannot repeal the ban on competitive coursing, which is one

I think everyones clouding the issue....hunting foxes is still illegal, and after the amendment will still be illegal. They are in exactly the same boat as us. The amendment is for using more than two

The back tracking has begun

  On 08/07/2015 at 12:20, Born Hunter said:

This won't help anybody. Is there a single pack that goes out with only one couple now? They all go out with a full pack. It's bollocks, useless, opens the doors for more important loopholes to be closed and completely gives up on full repeal.


It's a pro hunting move but a step in the wrong direction as it ends all hopes of repeal.

I agree, Ive just had email from Tim Bonner asking for immediate lobby to MP to support the flushing of Foxes with a pack but still to a gun.. What I want to know is what about beagles, coursing and Lurchers? Its all about fox hunting so far..

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Cant believe anybodys shocked by this TBH.The only thing Blair/public wanted was to give two fingers to the "Toffs" ie Foxhunting,and get rid of the much publicised Waterloo Cup (the other big favourite of the antis) everything else with dogs that was affected ie lurcher work (except rats/rabbits) was nothing more than a happy bonus for them.With the exeption of hare coursing they didn't give a toss what Joe Public was upto with his/her dogs.....I still think its better left alone,poking a tiger with a stick IMO,as for coursing ,sorry lads,the reality of it is ,its over..... :cray:

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  On 08/07/2015 at 12:58, northern lad said:


  On 08/07/2015 at 12:55, peterhunter86 said:

Just get the Muslims to get the ban lifted they get every thing else they want


Now,now Peter,dont turn it into one of them threads :laugh:


Fook it that's the way they all go anyway

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Just had an email saying it wont be lifted it will just stop the work of 2 hounds to more hounds and no mention of lurchers at all so we are in the shit once again mps talk utter bollox next time I suggest no f****r votes for them where does it ever get the working man nowhere that's where it gets you keep under raydar or stick to ya rabbiting

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Tim Boner and his cronies can go F-Off i knew they would do this the scum, sending lurcher work down the river for so their hounds can hunt, so nothing will change for most of us we will still have to carry a shotgun or firearm in order to walk the lurcher in case anything other than a rabbit or rat jumps up, i cant believe i wasted my time trying to get a response out of a labour mp for them to do this. As far as im concerned the CA and LACS can jump off a cliff together hand in hand their perfect for each other. He's about to get a reply to the email he just sent to me that he probably wont like......two faced cnut springs to mind!

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Folk who keep talking about this repeal haven't got a clue. The only thing you are going to get done with all your stupid talk is bring in more restrictions. The blind trying to lead the blind comes to mind.

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It would be nieve to think that the CA would push the government into anything other than helping hunts. At best we could hope to get a blanket repeal but though i've always fought for it i've always known the CA ain't interested in the likes of me. For lurcher & terrier folk nothing will change and its hardly a step in any direction!

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  On 08/07/2015 at 13:17, MickyB said:

Tim Boner and his cronies can go F-Off i knew they would do this the scum, sending lurcher work down the river for so their hounds can hunt, so nothing will change for most of us we will still have to carry a shotgun or firearm in order to walk the lurcher in case anything other than a rabbit or rat jumps up, i cant believe i wasted my time trying to get a response out of a labour mp for them to do this. As far as im concerned the CA and LACS can jump off a cliff together hand in hand their perfect for each other. He's about to get a reply to the email he just sent to me that he probably wont like......two faced cnut springs to mind!

that who I got the email off boner should be in a porno with a name like that lol
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Just read the email nothing for the lurcher lads. I'd just say it's a side step not a step forward. Let's see if the hunts help us out..... I very much doubt it


Don't want to be negative but I think lurcher work (hare, Fox deer) will never come back.

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The only possible way for lurcher work too come back is for positive media response plain and simple papers and media print or film in a certain way too make things look how they want then mps vote on what way the media swings it cos they think that's what the folk want you see it all the time pm promising this and that cos it's in the media spotlight that week it would be the only way too get hunting back in the positive it's the same shit with air guns ow no some tit kid shoots some one with an air rifle big media coverage then mps talk about putting license on air guns it's the media that controls it all you need too get good shows highlighting hunting on the BBC or sky channels in a good and positive way too get a reaction out of mps

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