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Cock Your Leg Ya Wee Fecker!

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Glens 13 months now, seen him cock his leg once when walking through the fields, all other times he still pisses all over leg and expects to get get back in the house :D :D


How long does it normaly take for a dog to get in the habbit of cocking leg?

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A dog that pisses like a bitch should be rehomed to a pet home.It has no right being in the same field as working dogs.When considering buying a pup ask the seller to see the sire pissing on at least three occasions to ensure he does not squat like a bitch.

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It seems like an age waiting for a youngster to stop sqatting like a bitch and mature with a cock of the leg. We tend to see it as a syimble of maturity but it ain't the case. And no matter how much i know that, i still try to gee them up in my head.

Yer never really get what yer wish for anyway. My youngsters favorite spot to cock his leg is on the old dogs head, on his blind side. So as soon as the old boy stops for a sniff, he ends up with a jet off piss running down his face. 'How hath the mighty fallen'..!!

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Yeah had a bitch used to cock her leg and a dog who backs up and shits on trees stumps lol

Yes i had one of those that liked to crap on and in things. I left a car battery in the yard for 10 minutes came back and it had backed up on to it an done his buisness right in the middle. The same dog once craped in my grandads welly and he put his foot in it before he realised lol.

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